NMNA. Pretty cooool. I don't think it would be too hard of a sell to the wife. I was trying to find fault with it, but RWD, A/C, P/W, automatic, doesn't really look like a typical kit car, etc. Maybe we all will be driving mini-minivans in the future. I'm not ready to buy it but I did wonder about how hard it would be to add A/C to this busa motor....
Japanese Import Kei Van with VW Custom Body Kit - $8495 (Kennesaw)

The van is cool, but a 'busa-powered-kart is cooler. No need for AC either.
4/19/18 3:19 p.m.
It's a shame it wasn't the Econoline one.

Nah - find yourself a Honda S800 convertible and re-engine it!

Look up the vfr800 powered honda N600.
I'm actively trying to find some classic japanese tin to do something similiar but probably kawasaki 1400 for power not that cute little V4.
I've seen a Metro/Swift with a 'busa motor swapped in it years ago on youtube
There used to be a company here in Burbank that made swap kits for smart cars, I think they went back to England but they can still be had.
One of my bucket list projects is a Busa powered Legends Car.
Here's the site that sells the swap kit. Then Gymkhana the ever living E36 M3 out of it.