1989 Ford Escort 5-door hatch, powder blue. Don't have any photos, but it looked a lot like this one.

I think my aunt sold it to us for $125. Some kind of electrical drain would kill the battery every few days. I didn't really drive it that much honestly, but I did drive it on the first of my many "adventures" as I like to call them. (Any time you get lost, it's an adventure.)
On a lark, after school one day I got in the car and started driving to the town north of us. I got on the highway and headed up there, got lost, found a Walmart, bought a CD, got lost again, took a highway ramp too fast in the rain and slid way off into the grass, got back on the road and took a wrong turn when I was almost back to finding my way again.
By this point I believe the rain had stopped, and something was very wrong with the car. I pulled over as steam poured out from under the hood. I had my mom's cell phone in case of emergency, but I was scared to call her without knowing where I was.
So, I started walking back up the road from whence I came, hoping to find some kind of landmark before calling for help. Well, I guess my mom was worried about me because it was getting late, so she called me instead. I explained the situation with embarrassment, and somehow she came and found me. (Despite my directions.)
The car would be towed home and eventually found to have a bad water pump that caused overheating and probably a blown head gasket. Eventually my mom's boyfriend at the time and his buddies cut the car up for scrap and ended up dragging home an 80s Chevy Nova instead. (No idea why, I had no interest in that car and it didn't run either. Same powder blue color though, ha.)
I may have to dig up the old files I have which immortalized this car in video game form, as made by a friend of mine at the time.