Just wondering what you use to hold down your EZ-Up popup style canopy in the wind ?
Around here the wind picks up around noon and the canopies can turn into a kite and fly away ,
this starts at 10-15mph winds ,
right now I use these plastic covered concrete weights but they are only 7-8lbs each so I use 2 per corner x 2 or 3 canopies. So a big pile of them !
I would thinking of getting some cut out of one inch steel which would probably end up 15-20 lbs each , but I do not know any shop to cut them !
Anyone have other ideas or material ? THANKS

One "rain" tire/rim at each corner seems pretty common.
I improvise as much as possible, I usually tie one corner through a spare wheel and use some kind of containers full of water on the rest. 5gal fuel barrels are a good option if you need to be able to add lots of weight and lighten them up to take home, although they take up a lot of space. There are weight plates available that are close to 20lbs each but they're not cheap or small, example:
If you want weights that are permanently heavy but compact, a cheap option would be fillable sandbags that strap to the tent legs and can be filled up to 100lbs+ each. If you're on grass, also consider tying to tent stakes, I prefer to use stakes when possible because they can be very light and compact.
Hit your local charity run thrift store and see if there are dumbells or barbell weights piled out back.
7/15/24 8:17 p.m.
Depends on the surface. We're usually setting up on grass and I recently switched to 8" lag bolts. Fantastic choice. Also how I'm setting up my tent. A friend sets up tents for vacationers in the on season. He uses a full 5 gallon bucket at each corner with a ratchet strap twisted up the leg to keep it tight. They hold up well in 15+mph winds at the beach.
Stake them down if possible, then ratchet strap them to whatever immovable object you have...trailer...picnic table...fence..
Old brake rotors off a Cayman and stakes.
7/15/24 8:41 p.m.
10" stakes on grass/gravel. Spare wheels on pavement, since I've got those with me anyway.
7/15/24 9:12 p.m.
I attach one side to my 7000lb van and the other side I use the spare wheels.
Hi , thanks so far for your ideas ,
They are normally on payment so I cannot drill holes or hammer stakes into it ,
Also I do not have access to water to fill up buckets of water
dumbells or barbell weights is a good idea , I will have to stop by Goodwill etc ,
Keep the ideas coming , Cheers
I usethe2spare tires and wheels,and the other side to to the pit wall.
4 spare wheels and tires works too. Just make sure they can quickly be used!
Used kart tire filled with concrete, with an eyebolt sticking out. Ratchet strap it down. Maybe throw a small cup in the bottom when you pour the concrete so they stack.
When I was still racing I had one of those 10x20 canopies with a good tarp attached with bungee cords. I paddocked on dirt , so I used re-bar as stakes, and ratchet straps. At night I would add four more ratchet straps, tying the canopy to the tie down hooks on my VW GTI. One night a storm came up and those of us sleeping in the paddock were running around catching several small canopies that were rolling around in the wind like tumbleweeds, inflicting damage (a couple of windshields) to race cars. I looked back at my setup and saw the rear end of my race car two feet in the air ! 200 square feet of tarp makes a very strong kite.
7/16/24 8:29 a.m.
We had to set up a canopy in the parking lot every day at my old job (rental company). They wrap around the leg and you fill with rocks or sand. They worked decent enough on pavement. They can hold up to 25lbs each. A huge gust could still move it, but if it's that windy you probably didn't want the canopy out there.

(we had an older version than what's pictured, these might be more heavy duty)
7/16/24 8:47 a.m.
I use tie down straps to a couple of old 35lb dumbbells, and tie the other two legs to the trailer. Dumbbells can usually be found pretty cheap 2nd hand, and they don't take up much space for the weight.
7/16/24 9:09 a.m.
We have some of those C-weights, but we also use some additional things one of our members made up. Each one is a pair of cast iron rectangular weights, maybe 6"x10"x1", through-bolted with a chunk of 2x6 as a spacer. These weigh maybe 15 lbs each and slip over the leg. Not sure where the weights came from but they look like little suitcase weights, maybe from a garden tractor.
If there is a little breeze, especially if it is gusty, we'll grab the trailer spare and ratchet strap it to the windward corner and locate it out about 4'-5' so you get some angle on the strap.
One strap to the parts bin, one strap to the gas jug, two straps to the trailer.
Any heavy object laying around the garage should work. Have any old cast iron cylinder heads under your workbench?
My s/o used to do art shows so no car trailer to attach the EZup to. We used some paint buckets and placed square concrete blocks in them. Then we placed each leg in the bucket and strapped the EZup to the bucket. The buckets are easy to transport, move and store / stack at home.
They have also been used at races with the trailer and to hold down an army type tent.
I typically ratchet strap two corners to the trailer, and the other two to tire stacks.
I went excessive. Filled (4) 5-gallon buckets with about a bag of concrete each, and set an eye bolt down into each with some washers to add something to bond to the concrete. I then use a ratchet strap at each corner to tie down to because they're easier than adjustable knots.
Trailer on 2 corners. Trailer spare on 1 corner. Cooler on the last corner.
We have used the spare tire method in the past. We have also had many pop-up canopies and many have ended the day stuffed in a garbage can or using zipties as hinges.
These days, we use real EZ-Ups - there really is a difference. They vent better as well as seem to be constructed better than the Walmart bottom of the barrel items. Sure, you'll pay more but they last longer and they can handle higher winds. Seriously, it's one of those situations where spending a bit more will save you money in the long run.
For weights, we have water bags that strap on to the legs (from EZ-Up as well). On our last track day, the winds were high enough that we had real trouble taking them down - but they never budged. I think we also have sandbags but it's easier to find water than sand at our track even if it is in the desert :)
One thing you can do when it gets too windy is pull up the back corner of the canopy and let it flop in the wind , This will stop the wind from getting inside and making it into a Kite !
I have also used a couple 10 lb barbell weights (round and flat), tied them together with enough extra rope so they can wrap around the canopy foot.
Real EZ-Ups pro canopys are great but 25% heavier which matters if you are by yourself , another great brand is Eurmax Pro series which is what the daily market guys use and abuse but I have never seen one break.