...to turbocharge a 1st gen RX-7 with a 12A? I'm thinking Challenge type stuff. Junkyard turbo and intercooler, fab the piping, etc. Where I'll stumble would be the electronics to keep from blowing the whole thing up. I started thinking on this when I saw a relatively cheap 1985 RX-7 locally.Input please.
Would you keep it carbed or switch to fuel injection?
In Japan they actually sold the FB RX7 with a turbo 12a; I know very little other than it had a blow-through setup and most people say it's not worthwhile vs a 13b turbo.

There was also the Elford turbo in the UK which (IIRC) used a simple SU blow through setup.
Blow through would alleviate any need for electronics trickery. Too bad suck through doesn't work, because that would be even easier.
Tim, how would an SU work with pressure? They work with the vacuum lifting the piston, don't they? Or, would there still be a differential pressure drop that would lift it?
EvanB, I'd do whatever would fit in a Challenge budget,assuming my skills are up to it.Electronic would work the best if I could figure it out.