They are getting tons of airplay now. Seems to be Carmax with delivery. A hybrid between Craigslist and a large dealer on Ebay.
I have to say, I'm starting to lose interest in craigslist. I have very little time to drive around trying to find cars only to be met by a grump who wants to rape me, steal my cash, and/or wants $60k for a rusty junk pile...
Looks interesting. I am going to see what they think of my Insight. Might make a trip to Dallas if they can make me happy.
I dunno. Maybe I've been burned but buying a car sight unseen and spending that much money for it?
I see they have the return policy and what ever. It just seems like the whole thing would be a pain.
Shoot, they will probably just do like the other texas mega used car stores do. Cheap pricing for a year or so then slowly raise the pricing to F' You territory.