I realize that The Tirerack might not want to stock wheels for an "orphan" brand, but is there something about Saab wheels that makes them more "oddball" than usual?
I ask, because I saw a 9000 CSE on my local CL that looked kind of decent. Unfortunately, it has an automatic transmission and the wheels (factory wheels) are about 1/2 step up from "steelies". So I went on TR to see what the options were, even tho I probably won't buy the car. Wheels for Saabs are no longer listed, at least not for a model this old.
I know the NG900 and 9-3s share the bolt pattern with some GM cars.. I forget the pattern though
9000's are an odd duck to find wheels for.
4x108 bolt pattern, 65.1mm center bore, with a medium offset.
Ford Focus/etc wheels are too high offset and have a smaller hub bore. Fox body wheels?
Yup. Pretty much the best wheels around for the 9000 are the OEM 16" "Super Aero" wheels, which go for about $300 a set on my local CL.

That being said VWVortex has a 4x108 classifieds forum (some Audis use it too) and some reasonably decent wheels come up there from time to time.
Later Saabs share a 5x110 pattern with GM vehicles, as noted above.
Yup. Most that end up with aftermarket wheels on 9000s use some kind of Audi wheel and hubcentric rings and/or spacers (73mm hub).
Super Aeros are the hot ticket,especially with machined lips and gray painted centers. There were numerous factory wheels for pre 88 cars that were cool but do not work on the later cars. There are 4x108 Panasport replicas on Ebay but the seller does not know for sure about the center bore. I am having a set of the 94 Commemorative Edition wheels refinished my my C900 now.
New Reader
6/7/12 1:34 a.m.
Xr4tis have the same fitment. 4x108 et35. Sometimes you can find Ford Contour fitments that are close. I've got a set of black 5 spoke 17x8 et38 wheels made by g-line for my xr4ti that may fit the Saab. Also check with esm wheels as they have some 4x108 wheels with 35mm offset.
There is also a factory optional 15"x7" five spoke wheel that looks pretty sharp, if you like "15 inchers. IMHO anything over "16 is ricey on a 9000.

If its the year Saab that have the 4 x 108, I have a set of BBS Bugatti 15 x 7 ET35 that was an OE Saab fitment. I don't have apicture here at work, but found a picture online here:

I bought them for the Fiesta, but they are too wide to put on without flares...
SlickDizzy wrote:
Yup. Pretty much the best wheels around for the 9000 are the OEM 16" "Super Aero" wheels, which go for about $300 a set on my local CL.
That being said VWVortex has a 4x108 classifieds forum (some Audis use it too) and some reasonably decent wheels come up there from time to time.
Later Saabs share a 5x110 pattern with GM vehicles, as noted above.
Those are my favorite SAAB wheels, I really wish they were made in 17 in 5x110.
tedium850 wrote:
If its the year Saab that have the 4 x 108, I have a set of BBS Bugatti 15 x 7 ET35 that was an OE Saab fitment. I don't have apicture here at work, but found a picture online here:
I bought them for the Fiesta, but they are too wide to put on without flares...
They look very similar to oem 9000 V6 wheels.
BTW, tedium850, I love your avatar, one of my favirite bikes!
ls1fiero wrote:
Super Aeros are the hot ticket,especially with machined lips and gray painted centers. There were numerous factory wheels for pre 88 cars that were cool but do not work on the later cars. There are 4x108 Panasport replicas on Ebay but the seller does not know for sure about the center bore. I am having a set of the 94 Commemorative Edition wheels refinished my my C900 now.
Care to post a link if you decide not to bid? That's what we run on our Chump car.
Will Alfa 164 wheels fit?
6/7/12 12:11 p.m.
There are a few options out there in 4x108 that will work on the C900/9k, but most people seem to just stick with the OE optional wheels like the Aeros and Super Aeros. I was lucky enough to find a set of Team Dynamics Pro Race 1s in the classifieds on SaabNet a few years ago. They've been on at least four of my cars over the years, and now reside on my '90.

So, while we may not be able to order from TR, there are options out there. Like many things with old Euro cars, you just have to try a little harder.
HappyAndy....yep it's probably my favorite bike too. Had mine for almost 15 years...very under rated bike
I have the superaeros for my 900. Hopefully next month the car will have a suspension to bolt them to
In reply to 16vCorey: Like this!
if those were availible in 16.. I would be all over them
I'm not sure that style would translate well onto a 16 inch wheel. With Minilites, I've always thought that smaller diameters always look better.