oh man I got a good one but I was the used car salesman...
This story takes place over a ~1 week period:
To give some background I was working at a used car dealer over the summer for an internship that counted towards my school - that typically had "cool" cars (but that doesn't mean we also didn't sell econolines and OBS tauruses/etc either) and still story involves a black neon SRT4 ACR.
Chicagoland, IL
Some kid comes in to look at this SRT4 ACR but he is 17 and thus too young to drive it due to state laws, he had asked me some questions about it, no test drive just a little chat and said he would be back later but I assumed nothing and figured it was a tire kicker.
Friend is leaving for a work trip to Belize for an extended period of time so a group of us go out to the bar and celebrate/farewell/get super drunk.
Woke up - and hurried myself awake because I was supposed to be at work at 10AM, its a 20-25 minute drive from my home to the dealership. Rush my self to work before the hour closes, probably (allegedly) the only time I have ever felt so drunk and driving to work and especially that late in the day (not proud of that part, but it happened nobody got hurt and with less inhibition I made it there with pretty good time) .
Not to long after arriving at work and realizing that I was still drunk, the kid from Wednesday comes back to look at the car, this time all the more seriously interested (and still alone) in buying meanwhile myself, was still in the pre-hungover stage. Now I have to negotiate and seal this deal in this state.
Being still 17 as the birthday did not change over the few days he wants a test drive, no parent is here so n naturally he wanted me to drive it and ride shotgun! so I ended up giving him a ride on "our test route" in this car, it was ~2 mile loop that was 4 right handers with 50-55mph roads in a square leading back to the dealer and I ripped through the gears and got the boost going and drove like a fool for that 2.5 minute window.
Ended up back at the dealer and sealed the deal, he was thrilled - parents showed up within the next hour and I finalized the paperwork with them (while sobering up). The kid drove the first time leaving the dealership, he was a nice kid and his parents were both super nice too, the car seemed out of character for all of them but they supported him and he was happy with the car!
In short:
Sold a car while drunk to a kid who had never even driven the car before buying it.
that was my proudest moment as a used car salesman.
(allegedly of course...)
the other one (much more PC)
I was driving back to a customers house (with the customer) to grab the key for the aftermarket alarm he had in the car that he was trading in, so we drove the wrx that he was interested in buying at our dealer but it had a super heavy fast n furious stage 8 clutch and he stalled it a bunch on the test drive getting the hang of it. I drove it flawlessly wearing birkenstocks: he was blown away that I could do such a thing in sandals...
I wore sandals at work because one Saturday morning I opened with the owner and he was always very casual and relaxed (attitude and appearance) so I tease him one morning (midway through the internship) "hey why do you get to wear shorts and sandals to work!"
his response, "I didn't say you couldn't wear sandals and shorts to work..."
I was stunned and excited, every day after that much more casual attire and my sales improved because I was more relaxed.