2001 Ford Ranger. 2.5 liter 4 cyinder, stick.
The engine acts like a bad thermostat. I go to NAPA, they couldn't find a listing for it so used the same info for Mazda truck, came up with part # 264.
Get home and drain the fluid out, remove the top hose... nuttin. I call my friend at NAPA and he suggests pulling the lower hose. Nothing. So, is the thermostat at the usual location under the top hose and I just don't have a t-stat in there? The top hose clamps onto a plastic fitting so I'm a itte nervous about wanging on it.
Any thoughts or experiences are appreciated, I need this back together tomorrow night.
If that's the Lima (2.3 Pinto/TBird/Mustang) 2.5 then the upper hose should go into a metal housing held on with 2 bolts, take that sucker off an the thermostat is sitting in it or in the block depending on whether or not the rubber seal failed. On the 2.3's the metal housing had a little extension going off to one side that a heater hose was in.
I haven't worked on a 2.5 though (or a Ranger) so who knows?
914Driver wrote:
The top hose clamps onto a plastic fitting so I'm a itte nervous about wanging on it.
I strongly advise against wanging on any kind of machinery. There's someone on here who learned that the hard way (although I can't find the thread again despite my best searching)
Oh right I found it...PM me if you want me to refer you to first-hand experience
Just don't get any sealant on your hootus. If you do, at least it'll be easier to remove than Rhinoliner...
Was I the only one who chuckled when I saw the thread title "Where's my thermostat" posted by a guy named 914 driver?
You guys are funny....
...and all those comedians out of work.
What a PITFA THAT was! The thermostat in in a housing like most cars, but the housing is plastic that's "L": shaped with the hose on top vertical but the T-Stat about 5" in from the front of the engine. I threw every tool I had at hand, there's no frikkin' way I'm doing this again. Period.
Oh, and the NAPA counter worker/high school kid, billed me for the correct part, but handed me the one next to it on the shelf.
Good thing I have too many vehicles, eh?
So where is the thermostat on a 914 anyway?
Edit My wife likes to pull up to the full service gas station and watch the kid walk around the car, hose in hand, looking for the filler hole.
My thermostat is upstairs, near the kitchen. You may want to check there.
Seriously, check www.Rockauto.com. They sell the thermostat, as well as the complete housing. If you look at the housing photo, you can see where the thermostat is. Remove two bolts and remove the whole thing. You will probably need a new gasket seal as well.
I always go to Rock Auto or Autozone.com first. Autozone had this to say:
Drain the cooling system.
Disconnect the radiator hose and the electrical connector.
Disconnect the radiator lower hose.
Remove the bolts and the thermostat housing.
To install, reverse the removal procedure. Tighten the housing bolts to 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm).
At least it ain't a Fiat 124 with that freaky lookin' three or five or whatever cornered thing.
Yes, 914s did have thermostats from the factory. Scout's honor.
The 2.5 is a Duratec engine similar as used by Mazda.
Some newer engines have the stat in the lower hose.
Yes, 914s have thermostats the same as Vdubs.