9/7/14 5:37 p.m.
This seems crazy to me but i havent ordered any NEW wheels since ~2006. Apparently i've totally forgotten how to do it!
I got myself a very nice 1989 Caravan with an SRT4 engine swap. Currently it's sitting on the stock srt4 neon wheels. I HATE them.
I want to go to a 17x8. I'll be swapping to 5x114.3 bolt pattern as part of a major brake upgrade. I'm unsure about offset needs but i'll be swapping on a 17x8+35 from my Dynasty to get an idea and going from there. Probably no less than +35mm offset.
I want a concave 5spoke design in something like gunmetal or at least gray.
How do things?
Discount tire direct does a good job of listing offset and what not with the wheels they sell. Looking at things on Tire Rack is always a bit clumsier but you can (maybe with your old caravan?) do the thing where to see the wheels on hour vehicle. Find something you like, a basic style and then come back and post it here. Undoubtedly someone here knows of a very similar/indetical wheel that is either cheaper or better or more JDM obscure or whatever you're looking for.
Try this link. It should show 109 wheels that aee 17x8 with your bolt pattern.
9/7/14 6:05 p.m.
89 caravan, SRT4 swap? Can we be friends?
Vigo is a super nice dude too. You really should be his friend. I'm excited to see his new van.
Wheres the build thread?
A lot of mustang wheels are 17x8 5x114.3. 99 cobra wheels are 5 spoke concave
9/7/14 6:41 p.m.
I've gotten by without new wheels, but it's time for a new set of rims for the daily driver. is a good place to start. I've also had success on
There's a lot of crappy websites that like to show off wheels, then make it as difficult as possible to actually purchase them.
Of course there's always and
9/7/14 7:52 p.m.
I had pretty good luck at Tread Depot, based on a recommendation from here. I think they have a visualizer tool on the website. They're a GRM advertiser, too.
[edit] Oh, and Vigo - check the $2014 Classifieds. It may be redundant for you, though.
Unless you're set on going aftermarket, I'm pretty sure stock EVO 8 wheels fit those specs if you like the flat face 6 spoke look.
9/8/14 3:50 p.m.
I had/have stock RX8 wheels on my old van and I like that style but I think this van is nice enough that I don't want to run wheels that are obviously stock wheels from another application.
The old concave 5spoke cobra wheels are pretty damn close to what I want, although I suspect those are too wide (9" iirc?) to actually fit this van well.
Thanks for the suggestions, im going to sift through them when I get off work and post back some stuff I like so yall can help me refine my tastes, or possibly helpfully insult my tastes.
We need pictures of this wonderful van.
Vigo wrote:
I had/have stock RX8 wheels on my old van and I like that style but I think this van is nice enough that I don't want to run wheels that are obviously stock wheels from another application.
The old concave 5spoke cobra wheels are pretty damn close to what I want, although I suspect those are too wide (9" iirc?) to actually fit this van well.
Thanks for the suggestions, im going to sift through them when I get off work and post back some stuff I like so yall can help me refine my tastes, or possibly helpfully insult my tastes.
Those cobra wheels I mentioned are 17x8. I had a set for a while. I think offset might have been +30 but my memory is fuzzy and you better check google.
9/13/14 4:32 p.m.
The Tire Rack has people you can talk too for advice.
Tell them what you have and are looking for.
Chat or by phone.
Other sites probably have this too.
9/13/14 6:51 p.m.
Shameless plug:
They're six split spokes so not exactly what you want and I'm in KS. Sold??
Why does that minivan look so good to me? I'd daily the E36 M3 out of that.
Vigo, you really need a build thread for each of your cars. I never thought I would be interested in hearing details about a Dynasty or Caravan...
9/14/14 12:05 a.m.
Build threads make me self conscious about how i never finish anything. Not that i havent started them anyway (and then had them all fizzle when i buy/sell/trade/reprioritize another 4-5 cars).
TreadDepot had enough stuff on it (i looked at every single thing) to give me some good examples and one new idea.
This is an example of the basic style i was envisioning. Concave 5 straight spokes. I would like something in dark gray/silver/gunmetal. This particular wheel isnt the right color and doesnt come in sizes under 20" but it's a decent example of the style.

This one is a split 5spoke but looks pretty darn cool. Doesn't come smaller than 18". I think 18s could work but it's iffy. I think the 18s look a little too big on my old van. I know you can make a wheel look a little bigger or smaller based on whether the spokes go all the way to the edge of the rim. I think this rim would look on the big side of 17 and be too big in 18. Keep in mind that the less the wheel gap, the bigger the wheel looks and im afraid if i have almost no wheel gap 18s will look too big. They already look a little too big on my old van and it's not lowered as far as im going to take the new one.
Here's a look i hadn't considered. It's pretty cool looking to me but a little dark as far as color. I am not against painting a new wheel since so little prep work is required, but this one is also at the top range of my made up budget at $170+/wheel. On the bright side, it does come in 17x8+35 which im extremely confident will fit, and the spokes go to the edge of the wheel which i think hits the sweet spot for size on this van. So this is hitting several of my criteria.
Anyone want to take this picky-ass E36 M3 and run with it? I'll keep looking and post anything else that is pretty close.
Might be a little chunkier than what you're looking for, but there's some Acura TL 5 spokes that are 17x8+45. Not much concave, though.

Not a terrible looking wheel and should be vastly cheaper being an OEM wheel.
Motegi MR127. Proper fitment, wrong color, right price.

I like the srt wheels on it.
9/14/14 5:12 p.m.
I dont like a 6" wide wheel on anything weighing over 2400 lbs, or 1700 lbs if it's a racecar.
Burrito Enthusiast wrote:
Might be a little chunkier than what you're looking for, but there's some Acura TL 5 spokes that are 17x8+45. Not much concave, though.
Not a terrible looking wheel and should be vastly cheaper being an OEM wheel.
Unless you are buying on Craigslist or some other classifieds-type thing, OEM wheels are vastly MORE expensive (try $500ish for most Nissan alloys, so I'm sure Acura are about the same or more). But most people don't know this, so they buy a new car, put some crappy aftermarket wheels on it that are shiny and make their car "different", then sell their well made, expensive OEM wheels on Craigslist for pennies on the dollar. And that's where we come in...
I got a set of '99 Infiniti I30t 17" 5 spoke wheels for $125 with 2 good tires. They were almost new and had been in the guys garage for a decade or they looked good on my Maxima.
@ Vigo-Those last wheels are sweet, I think they'd look great on the van. Does Tread Depot have a virtual fitment thing like TireRack? That's one of the best parts about Tire Rack's site, for sure...
9/16/14 10:30 p.m.
Well i just went through the brand list of wheels on Tirerack and looked at every model from every brand and didnt see anything i like more than those Konigs.
I feel like i am just revealing myself to be a huge pita about wheels. I just looked at like 400 designs.
9/18/14 8:01 p.m.
My new van and my old van are not parked at the same houses (yet). I did some gandering at my old van today and decided i am full of crap for thinking 18s are borderline too big.
So i really like those 18" Advanti Reins up there but Tread Depot has them listed at $231/ea. $924 before possible tax.
I do have some usable old Kumho XS on the RX8 wheels so i wouldnt have to buy tires right away, but damn! Almost 1k still makes me sheepish. I guess i should see if anyone else sells them cheaper.