i bought a new control arm for the Saab before the engine turned the oil into silver paint. we moved it off the futon when people were coming over for the holidays, i need it to put the car back together where is it? seriously, one of you guys come over here and help look.
on a serious note, i just uploaded the new tune to the 9-7x - i love HPTuners - and it fired right up and revs like a boss. I may have the world's only 9-7x 4.8i as the AFM system in the 5.3 ate itself, replacement used engines with similar miles(115k) that are probably ready to do the same were $3500. so i picked up a 2009 non AFM 4.8 with 56k from a wrecked silverado for $700, reprogrammed the 9-7x tune to the 4.8 values wherever they were different, deleted the displacement on demand from the program along with it's check engine light triggers, and the beast fired right up. only problem is we misplaced one of the y-pipe to manifold flange nuts so it's got a slight exhaust leak until i find or buy one.
that's all well and good, but the passenger upper control arm bushings were toast, so i pulled it while in there, and the thing is on stands waiting for me to find it. i've checked the basement, garage, and it's probably hiding somewhere completely obvious. once that is back and the exhaust flange nut is installed i can get it out and test drive it and put something more fun to work on in the garage.
it's usually in the last place you look. 
Did you look in the back of the 9-7?
2/9/16 7:35 p.m.
In reply to xflowgolf:
If you kept looking after you found it, you have bigger problems.
I always find stuff in the last place I look. Problem is, I've usually already looked there three or four times.
With my luck I typically find the missing item right after buying a replacement. 
2/10/16 8:52 a.m.
I don't even bother looking anymore, just dial up a new part or tool when its not right there. Must have 20 9/16" wrenches by now.
That would also be why I scrapped a 20 year hoard of MGB and
Bugeye stuff. I woulda sold some of it, but by the time a person wanted anything, I would have forgot where it was
I don't know how many times I've misplaced a piece of car literally right in front of my face. I spend 10 minutues going nuts looking around for it, and suddenly there it is... right where I put it 
One of the best parts about being married is having someone to ask "Where did I put X?"
2/10/16 9:03 a.m.
We have lost several things in our house that have been gone for years. It's a weird first-world problem. Sorry. Take pictures of every square inch of your house and garage and post them here and we can play "Where's Waldo?".
Did yours come with VVT? If so, did you keep it?
Ranger50 wrote:
Did yours come with VVT? If so, did you keep it?
no, the old engine was DOD only, new engine is just before VVT.
I feel your pain. I have no idea where the motor mounts I bought for my car ages ago ended up.
This is what happens when you stock pile parts for a car that you haven't found the motivation to put back together again. 
Or when you are looking for the part you misplaced and find 3 others that you bought to replace said misplaced part.
In other words, I'm organizing the damn garage when the weather gets better.
I lost a piece of cheese that I was going to put on a sandwich the other day. I found it in the freezer. Have you checked your freezer?
keethrax wrote:
One of the best parts about being married is having someone to ask "Where did I put X?"
This doesn't work. I'm usually the one who has to find things (phones, TV remote).
I've kept a list of "Things I Own but Can't Find" for years. The problem is that now after a few purge cycles, I no longer remember whether I still own most of it, let alone where it would be if I did.
Did you check the back seat? I found a pair of gloves back there that I thought I had lost. Yeah, I don't carry a lot of passengers...
petegossett wrote:
I've kept a list of "Things I Own but Can't Find" for years. The problem is that now after a few purge cycles, I no longer remember whether I still own most of it, let alone where it would be if I did.
Yep, I have the same kind of list. But I can't remember where I put it.
ssswitch wrote:
keethrax wrote:
One of the best parts about being married is having someone to ask "Where did I put X?"
This doesn't work. I'm usually the one who has to find things (phones, TV remote).
This is my life.
So did you ever find the arm, Pat?
Nick (LUCAS) Comstock wrote:
I lost a piece of cheese that I was going to put on a sandwich the other day. I found it in the freezer. Have you checked your freezer?
I have lost my keys and a Dr Pepper in the freezer. The Dr Pepper didn't end so well...
93EXCivic wrote:
Nick (LUCAS) Comstock wrote:
I lost a piece of cheese that I was going to put on a sandwich the other day. I found it in the freezer. Have you checked your freezer?
I have lost my keys and a Dr Pepper in the freezer. The Dr Pepper didn't end so well...
We lost a home phone in the freezer once.
The worst thing is my glasses - I'll take them off & set them on something other than a flat counter, walk away(still in the same room), forget exactly where I put them, and spend the next 15-minutes feeling every flat surface trying to find them. The worst is when I knock the off the nightstand in the dark...
ssswitch wrote:
keethrax wrote:
One of the best parts about being married is having someone to ask "Where did I put X?"
This doesn't work. I'm usually the one who has to find things (phones, TV remote).
Bummer. It works so well for me that I have asked her "Where did I put X?" when A) she hadn't been home in weeks, and B)I had definitely used X since the last time she was home. She still got it on the second try.
paranoid_android74 wrote:
With my luck I typically find the missing item right after buying a replacement.
I buy replacements specifically so that I find the old one 10 minutes after it ships.
Anyway, anything you can't find is 3 feet from where you started looking. This is a hard rule that I have yet to see broken.