A red Jeep Cherokee rolled though my town today. Mahomet IL corner of Il47/US150. It had no hood. The reason was interference with the massive turbo mounted high above the intake. It had a 2' stack for exhaust and looked menacing. I wanted badly to follow it and get a picture but I was running late to meet my family. I salute you whomever you are and wish to meet you someday.
Did you happen to see the engine? I know there's a guy on the sloppy mechanics facebook page with a red 5.3 turbo cherokee in that area.
Got a link to the build? I would recognize it from a picture. It was unique enough. I was driving the other way so just got a quick look.
He posted these up on the group, but he didn't have a thread.

8/6/17 9:52 p.m.
Yeah, im pretty sure i've seen that jeep on Facebook too. +1 for Sloppy Mechanics as well.