Nothing better than sitting down sunday morning, having the wife switch the remote to Spike TV...and... but wait....instead of a few hours of good car shows today I tuned in to see that see they changed their schedule yet again..., this time they took a break from the Ultimate fighter garbage and played some kind of Rugby match I suppose (didn't stick around long enough to watch and find out for sure.)
New Reader
10/5/09 5:06 a.m.
Just watch the HD theater channel if you have it. Like 12 hours of car shows everyday. There was a thread about it here a while ago, that is when I checked it out and discovered I had this channel on my dish.
what a shame...some exec at spike needs a good punch in the scrotum. I used to like the powerblock, and I loved muscle its a freakin turdapalooza. Spike sux.
I <3 HD Theater
If I ever try to watch it it is always the episode where they go to the wildcat drag strip.
10/5/09 7:55 a.m.
The inconsistence is annoying. I dig musclecar. I also dig Courtney Hanson in HD. 
As previously stated, HD Theater is now untouchable. The "best rally cars" show they did yesterday was pretty kickass.
Watched WRC on HD Theater last night - first time I've seen it on tv in many years. Sooooo cool.
Ian F
10/5/09 8:39 a.m.
Yep... We've had HDT on a lot recently... until the WRC came on... since the g/f hates all forms of auto racing... I was incredibly disappointed... but it's her tv... 
New Reader
10/5/09 8:58 a.m.
Is HD theater only on the dish networks, not Comcast cable?
I've all but given up on Powerblock. The rampant yeehaw garbage is more than I can stand. I'll probably watch Xtreme 4x4 once a month or so, but that's it.
im still trying to figure out why Speed would have NASCAR Raceday, In a Minute, Live, Victory Lane, and any other crap show on while there was a perfectly good Koni race taking place....
HD Theater all the way!!
I almost s#$t a brick when I saw and advertisement for a game show on HDT!!! Turns out it was for the Science Channel (which was quite a relief).
HD Theater is showing Super Speedway flat track motorcycle racing tonight!!
Speed and Spike suck big donkey....
10/5/09 11:30 a.m.
HD Theater is a Discovery We have it on Time Warner. I noticed that the power block was on before the rugby match.
New Reader
10/5/09 11:33 a.m.
docwyte wrote:
Is HD theater only on the dish networks, not Comcast cable?
I have Comcast Cable here in Mid TN and they have HD Theater channel it's in the 200 range of channels. I have been watching the Wheeler Dealers on there for about 6 months.
i spent yesterday afternoon watching old episodes of Top Gear... so when will BBC America get Season 8? 
HD theatre rocks!
Down here we get it on cable. (Bright House)
10/5/09 2:21 p.m.
ValuePack wrote:
I've all but given up on Powerblock. The rampant yeehaw garbage is more than I can stand. I'll probably watch Xtreme 4x4 once a month or so, but that's it.
SpikeTV used to be TNN- The Nashville Network. Time was, you could go there to catch up on the latest George Jones videos, etc. :p
So "rampant yeehaw garbage" is nothing new, you see...
I record all of the shows on Powerblock and then buzz through the commercials. The other day it was five minutes of show followed by 2-3 mintues of commercials. Repeatedly. The last 5 minutes is filler BS. They really only have to shoot about 15 minutes of real video for each 30 minute show.
10/5/09 6:16 p.m.
Rusty_Rabbit84 wrote:
i spent yesterday afternoon watching old episodes of Top Gear... so when will BBC America get Season 8?
Sometime in 2012 at this rate 
HDT for the win!! It's like the old Speedvision back before it became SPEED and all NASCAR and repeats. Of course not only does HDT have great new car shows's in high def!!! (thus the name) so if you have a high def flat screen tv it's awesome. Like previously mentioned the Sunday rally/WRC coverage was great.
Rusty_Rabbit84 wrote:
im still trying to figure out why Speed would have NASCAR Raceday, In a Minute, Live, Victory Lane, and any other crap show on while there was a perfectly good Koni race taking place....
what you don't seem to understand is Speed is NASCAR's station...
We have Dish network, so I decide to find out how to get this HD Theater. I checked the Dish website and got the following:
marketingdroid said:
Why would you ever pay more for HD?
Add High-Definition Channels to your Classic package for only $10/month!
Umm, you tell me. You're trying to get me to pay more for HD...
They used to replay those powerblock shows late at night
Since Extreme lost Jessie its suffered but Ian isn't bad
he Doofs on Musclecar are to much I can't watch it since Lou left
Now Trucks I like they got rid of that steroid inflamed idiot with the ear ring and I think it helped that show( Although Stacy David was the greatest)
I wish they would replay them sometime decent so you could watch them if ya didn't want to get up early on the weekend 
HDT Rocks ... The biggest problem with the power block is the product placement ... Tell me one more time why wyo tech is the greatest place, they drink royal purple, while painting the entire world with dupli-color and I'll eat my own foot to be able to watch something else.