Over the winter my wife's e34 525 quit running on the coldest day of the year. It was running normally the night before, but in the morning it would crank and sputter for a few seconds, but not actually run.
I did a compression test and found very low compression in all six holes. I think the highest I found was 50 psi, the lowest was under 20 psi. I also pressure tested the cooling system and found that the coolant tank had a leaky seam. This radiator is only about 6 months old and a good brand.
I'm thinking that the HG let go during that last drive and the combustion pressure leaked into the cooling system and popped the coolant tank.
Fast forward to today, I finally have had time to tear it down.
I don't think that I found a smoking gun, but I found some more clues.
I doubt that this would affect the compression, but the vanos piston is completely shot, it feels like the piston has no seal ring at all.
Most of the cylinder head bolts came out way to easy, like they were only torqued to the second stage during assembly.
The old HG didn't have any burnt, melted or eroded fire rings, but it looked like there may have been less than perfect sealing between some of the cyls. Also, the openings in the gasket near the cooling passages near the fire rings were all puffed out. I wonder if combustion pressure escaping caused that?
I feel reasonably confident that a new HG will fix it.
If I get a top end gasket kit it will include new valve stem seals. There is evidence that the stem seals were leaking, so I would like to replace them. I'm not sure if I want to do that myself or have a machine shop do it.
My Bentley manual mentions a special tool for removing the cams on these engines. It holds the cam down while the bearing caps are all removed together. I think that is to keep the cam from getting bent. Is that tool really needed, and do these cams bend easily?
Any good advise for repairing the vanos cylinder? I repair hydraulic cyls frequently at my day job, so I think I should be able to handle it, but what is the deal with the anti-rattle ring? I can't quite wrap my mind around what it's supposed to do.