I am bored, it's snowing like crazy here in the midwest with bitter cold to follow. The cars are nestled away for a long winters nap, sure do miss them. It always begs the same question this time of year for me. What am I doing here?
Gotta go walk the dog now. He might be the only one that hates it more than me.
We are getting snow right now.
Hope it is good for the drive tomorrow.
I went out in it late last night for some parking lot hooning. Enjoying the snow... I commute by train :p
Just a bit cold here. We got maybe 2" of snow yesterday, but its in the -20*C range.
Bright sun shiny here, but it's in the upper 40's so pretty dang cold. You can keep the snow.
It is snowing here..... They are predicting 3-6" for here. Everyone else thinks the sky is falling and buying everything out in sight. To me, it is just a "dusting". I didn't spend 30 yrs living 30 min from Lake Michigan to be stopped by this pitilly amount of fluff.
there calling for 25 here in central florida tues morning
no top down miata driving that day
Snowing here in Louisville all day but nothing to get excited about-to me. The locals are of course freaking. I did however rethink driving up to Indy to buy an engine. Selling one T-top off my Camaro parts car was ill-timed, but ya gotta take it while ya can get it. Yay for huge ass tarps!
I have maybe an inch on the ground here right now. Possibly 3 to 5 more overnight. But all the local media-urologists are still insisting that anyone who ventures out WILL DIE!!!
What I'm not looking forward to is sub-zero wind chills predicted for the week. Oh well, I need to make a beer-run shortly, so I will have to dust the Miata off and head out.
It's been cool, and raining all day.
I wish we had some snow.
Ice in the AM rain and 50 here now
we got snow here. Nothing worth writing home about though. Wish people would learn how to drive though. stupid fraidykats!
My subaru with Wintersport 3Ds is sitting in the driveway....in the RAIN. boooooooo.
the mid-Atlantic is being drenched in rain - phooey!
on CBS now, Soldier Field looks like the inside of the Metrodome.
Snowin' right now in East Tennessee
No snow but wind and rain here in Boston. Stuck at work, doubled up with dispatchers and linemen, hoping the storm doesn't 'hit'. 
12/12/10 4:34 p.m.
A few inches here, but we supposed to get wind chills down too -25 tonight.
Hooray for working outside at night like I do. 
Been raining all day in central Pennsylvania. It is supposed to get colder overnight and start snowing.
12/12/10 4:39 p.m.
A few inches here, some flurries still coming, but the wind is impressive. They're saying 35-50MPH, and I believe it. The snow (that was previously on the ground) is coming straight at the windows.
Edit as the weather report just came on: Sustaining winds from 30-45, with gusts up to 55. They also said visibility is less than 1/4 mile.
It was in the 70's here in Melbourne, but I'm flying to Toronto tomorrow for a business trip. High of 13 degrees with an 80% chance of snow. I haven't been out of Florida in 8 years.
seems like Yankees know more about playing football in snow than mid-Westerners.
In reply to nutherjrfan:
Yeah, my dispatchers were saying something about the weather conditions being better for Chicago than New England...guess not. 
Not bad here today. Windy raining and in the 50s. Tomorrow they are calling for windy and 30s. Lucky me I get to work outside tomorrow.
Tuesday isn't going to be any better. Naturally that means I'll be outside again.
We got 16 or 18 inches of snow in Minneapolis yesterday, and then the temperature dropped - the high today was about +5 degrees F, going down to -15 degrees F tonight. I've been outside all day shoveling the walks and driveway, and I'm whipped.
In reply to Ranger50:
Same way here in Campbellsville, I had a teacher that was from up north and she called it "Chicken Little Syndrome" If anyone has any slight bit of wits about them, they can drive in the snow, but everyone around here has my biggest pet peeve.....
Driving like they have a trailer behind them! You don't have to turn left to turn right!!!