Last time at the challenge was 2007. I wanted to get down there this weekend to watch the competition, but a cousin is getting married in Michigan this weekend. But, at least we should be able to get down there next year to watch...
...except an 87 Firebird deal has fallen into my lap. Made a $500 offer that will probably be accepted. Its a 305/T5 hardtop/manual windows/locks car, and there's a $400 350/700R4 in the garage from a cop car that was going to go in my 28 Chevy. I was there in 05/06/07, and don't seem to recall any high placing 3rd gen F-bodies. Am I being forgetful? Have any done well other years?. They seem to be a good platform, and a lot of them are priced right.
And lastly, but most importantly, who else is in the ranks of planning/building their 2010 car already?
me, still working on the $2010 vehicle
I'm hoping to. Haven't found what I'm running, though. I'll probably stick with an old Honda and add boost.
I pick my new one up on Sunday!
Been working on mine since 07.
Re-named, re-painted, and, representative(performance wise) of its namesake the DaCon Monza will be there
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
10/8/09 5:22 a.m.
We are! Dates are just about set and nailed down.
I know of 4 in progress. And we may build something too.
Me too! Passing through G'ville today but may only have time to drive through the hotel parking lot! I've got my challenge car for next year, but i was hoping to see what new ideas folks came up with that I could copy
Only place to really see that is in the parking lot of the track. Good luck to all and be safe!!
2010 is out of the question for me.
But knowing that Per has bugged me to come back (especially with that darned top 25 Challengers...), my friend and I are considering a 2011 entry.
Alfa, yes. Spider, no. And if we manage to make the joke we intend, the ones of you who don't get it... well, it's so obvious, you should.
Got a car, pick up a motor Saturday. Have to finish the tow vehicle first.
All I need now is $$$ and time.
I am prepping to begin prepping! Really all I've done is sold the car that was in the garage space where the project car will be. I've formulated a plan.... now it is just about shopping and building.
Have fun at the event this year all!
my 318Ti is getting prepped for the $2010 challenge.. :)
I am just trying to figure out what to do with the other $600 I haven't spent yet!
dyintorace wrote:
MrJoshua wrote:
I think I have prepped for every challenge held. 
Aaron (ratghia) and I are planning to be part of a 2 or 3 car team next year. More details to come!
Going to look at yet ANOTHER possible donor today. I have talked to the seller, and he is intrigued by the concept of one of his former possessions getting magazine coverage. Am even bringing a copy of the latest issue that has Challenge coverage with me. Then, I need to find an engine. Non-titled cars ARE eligible, are they not? If it had a title, it would be street legal. However, it does not (have not determined why it does not have one yet, that was in his last email that I received today).
Nobody checks for title or registration.
Damn, just got word, someone rolled up and paid twice what he was asking (and admittedly, it was worth more than that, I don't think the guy knew what he had). Still, a plan is in place, this just means that I will go over $1000 now.
Cool to see so many people are already thinking 2010. I've just got to get up to Pennsylvania to accompany Wheels on one of his infamous swap meet hunts :)
Also trying to convince a friend to finish the turbo Neon he ran in 2006 that had massive issues. They're mostly ironed out, but he's not sure he'll have time to go to G'ville.
i've got my eye on a car... if i can get the engine unseized it would be a good 1st time out GRM challenge car :)
eastsidemav wrote:
Cool to see so many people are already thinking 2010. I've just got to get up to Pennsylvania to accompany Wheels on one of his infamous swap meet hunts :)
Also trying to convince a friend to finish the turbo Neon he ran in 2006 that had massive issues. They're mostly ironed out, but he's not sure he'll have time to go to G'ville.
Nov 7th at the Farm Show complex
have the car and working on it now...just taking two years so far andf it look like it will be tree to be done...sigh......
i have a g-body i am bringing....