More and more, we are using the Nissan Frontier to shoot car-to-car action photos and video. Having someone in the bed to capture that content, though, is not only dangerous but can also produce shaky footage.
To solve this issue, we looked at some commercially available camera rigs and decided that we could make our own out of stuff that …
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So, it's not just for deep-sea submersibles anymore?
In reply to 1988RedT2 :
I nominate Chris Tropea to lead developing the controls for the next deep-sea submersible mission to the Titantic. 
This setup very much feels like playing a video game with the controls. Not sure if I would use this controller if I was going on a deep sea exploration though.
With there being no pictures of the controller I'm just going to hope it's a Mad Catz
This is the controller we use. I forget what brand it is but it's the one that would ship fastest from Amazon. 
In reply to ChrisTropea :
Why a PlayStation-style controller over an Xbox one? Could this have saved those doomed in the submersible that sank?
In reply to J.A. Ackley :
We went with the Playstation style one because it worked a little better with the software than the Xbox style from what we read when assembling the system.
ChrisTropea said:
but it's the one that would ship fastest from Amazon.
Some of my best and worst purchases were made using that logic.