I'm looking for a "one box" solution to take to the track and autocrosses and whatnot. For whatever reason I am not having good luck meeting all my requirements
Selection of all major tool food groups (sockets, wrenches, drivers, pliers and gripping tools, cutting,maybe even light hitting).
Single box with molded or specified places for everything (if something is missing, I want to know at a glance).
Reasonable quality (Cobalt/Craftsman level).
For whatever reason, the only thing I can find that comes close if from Harbor Freight. I'm not completely against it, but I'd rather have something a bit more upscale. Craftsman and Cobalt both have nice "Mechanics tool sets" with molded boxes, but they're either missing pliers or drivers or some other important piece that is a deal killer for me. And as soon as I have to carry more than a single box I've defeated the purpose.
Anyone know where else to look?
I don't know where to look but I do know my wallet would appreciate if I stay away from this thread so I don't see any responses..
Look for a travel tool kit. When I used to do install work we had these really nice sets that had pretty much everything you could ask for but they were also fairly expensive. This is a example of a Sears set that looks fairly complete except for a hammer and you could toss one in.
I went with Harbor Freight specifically because my old craftsman set had a pretty box, that was useless at holding tools in place. I replaced the foam with some cardboard, and this harbor freight box has taken some abuse already without dropping so much as a socket. Even if you went with a better brand of tool, I'd recommend the box from an HF set.
This one actually. Side latching case, 3 inches thick, the pliers and wrenches aren't that great, but all 6 pt sockets and space to hold different tools. linky to it
I bought the Craftsman 263 piece cube. Added Channellock and Klein pliers in a satchel along with some specialty stuff like an 18mm endwrench. I couldn't find a single box that held everything and was still portable.
I would question the quality of that Travel Tool Kit that was linked to above, you might assume that since it is sold by sears it would be craftsman, but it appears to be some no-name brand. Harbor freight would likely be better quality.
HF currently has a pretty good coupon deal for this one:
That's exactly what I want, I was just really hoping for blue or red.
I have never found a all inclusive tool set worth owning. If the sockets are quality, the wrenches and pliers are junk.
That said, Sams Club always has a set or two in stock. Channellock makes a set. The sockets are pretty good, the rest of it, not so much. I guess it would work in an emergency.
4/5/16 3:36 p.m.
I know you're looking for something a little more upscale, but I just cashed in a coupon for their 130 piece set for $30 just so I could have something like you describe to throw in the back of the van. That's the same set that was on board the travel trailer I rented at the Rolex this year and with that box, I was able to disassemble and repair a leaky RV faucet, and I've used the one I bought a number of times -- although I still augmented it with my "regular" tools at the last RallyX I went to.
What about this: http://www.homedepot.com/p/Apollo-297-Piece-All-Purpose-Mechanics-Tool-Kit-in-3-Drawer-Steel-Tool-Box-DT6803/204744900
There's this one: http://www.amazon.com/Crescent-CTK170CMP2-Mechanics-Tool-170-Piece/dp/B00F4AVRGW/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1459888380&sr=8-12&keywords=tool+set but it seems to lack a hammer
Sounds like you have to make it yourself.
Collect all of the tools you're looking to carry, decide on a portable box that should hold it all and then lay in foam for the drawers, etc. for the tools to sit in so you know if something is missing and where it goes when you're done.
Have you looked at any of the Crescent Brand molded case tool sets? The 170 piece (I think) and the 154ish sizes are only 4 inches thick when closed, and take up virtually zero useable space in the car trunk. Really nicely made full-polish tools. I have one that stays in each of our cars. And, I was able to pull an engine out of my escort with it, so it should handle nearly any GRM style emergency road-side repair.
I just brew my own. A nice canvas tool bag and place whatever you think you'll need inside.
Plus whatever brand of tools you like best. I would stuff it with Heyco/Wiha DOE wrenches, a Snap-on FX80 and a set of 3/8 shallow sockets. Use the rest of the pockets as per your particular requirements.
This motohansa set looks close

But I would substitute DOE wrenches for more sizes in the same space
Tool rolls are excellent. Especially wrench rolls.
I had a pretty good Husky all-in-one that looked like the HF one above. I eventually broke it down and stuffed it in canvas bags so it would fit better in the Vanagon.
My track toolkit option is based around a dedicated toolbox that has a list in it. Going to the track? Grab the tools on the list. Wrenches are already in rolls hanging on the wall, they get pulled down, rolled up and tossed in the box. Sockets are on rails hanging on the wall. Ziploc baggies with various electrical parts live in the box, as does some hand cleaner and latex gloves. I can pack in about 5 minutes and know I have just what I need.
The wrench rolls make it easy to identify if something's missing, as to do the socket rails.
Ian F
4/5/16 5:11 p.m.
"tool roll" was my first thought as well. One of my (many) projects in the near future is to put together dedicated tool rolls for each of my classic cars. Having to remember to transfer the tool bag between each car is a PITA and while all through are small and British, they don't all need the same things.
Right now, I have a "bucket buddy" brand tool bag that is sort of an expanded jumper-cable bag. Works reasonably well, but I'd like better separation.
I've been eyeballing the Toptul kits for the last few weeks. I'm setting up a little workshop in my basement and am already tired of going back and forth between the garage and basement for "one more tool".
As far as I can tell they all have a molded tray for each individual drawer. I have no idea what the price point is going to be like, but if it is like the rest of their stuff, I would assume it's a bargain considering the quality.
TopTul Portable Mechanic's Sets
WildScotsRacing wrote:
Have you looked at any of the Crescent Brand molded case tool sets? The 170 piece (I think) and the 154ish sizes are only 4 inches thick when closed, and take up virtually zero useable space in the car trunk. Really nicely made full-polish tools. I have one that stays in each of our cars. And, I was able to pull an engine out of my escort with it, so it should handle nearly any GRM style emergency road-side repair.
I came here to recommend this too. I had one at work and it was pretty good quality throughout. It was in a gray plastic case with two sides that folded out.
Edit- this was it

Build your own, plenty of utility boxes available to fit your needs. Same with spares.