So... You're hating on motorsport car guys getting a couple of dig's in on bloated sedans and coupes?
So... You're hating on motorsport car guys getting a couple of dig's in on bloated sedans and coupes?
oldtin wrote: So... You're hating on motorsport car guys getting a couple of dig's in on bloated sedans and coupes?![]()
yes, I'm hating on car guys hating on cars. This used to be a fairly inclusive community, now, not so much.
Can confirm. Got one for a rental a while back...drove like a douche. (Edit: Yes, I picked it out. I also own a diesel truck and a BMW. I prefer the power beard to the soul patch.)
Nick_Comstock wrote: In reply to Duke: I always figured you for having a soul patch![]()
The goatee just called attention to my double chin... Oh, and the Miata's not running again.
I don't care who drives one, I still think they are the coolest looking of the three Pony Cars, especially the new ones.
That said, if I had to actually buy one of the three and live with it, the only choice is a Mustang.
Most of the time when I see a Challenger it has those big shiny 20"+ wheels they like using in the ghetto. Why is this?
They seem to market to the type of people I don't usually hang around - the same crowd that buys brand new Harleys and Dodge trucks. 'Scuse me, RAM trucks.
I always say that I appreciate people who buy RAM trucks - it saves me the time of having to figure out if they're a giant douche. I can just safely assume they are. Saves me a lot of thought and time.
nocones wrote: What happens if you own a challenger, a Miata, a windowless van, a BMW, and a forester?
You might be a homosexual bull dyke brotard who happens to be a dick named Jared Fogel?
Order of points....1.Miata, 2. Fozzy, 3. Challenger, 4. BMW, and finally 5. Pedovan.
Local Dodge/Ram/Jeep Dealer's current ad. Yes this really is played on TV right along with the evening news.
Perpetuates the stereotype of brodozer D'bag.
bigdaddylee82 wrote: Local Dodge/Ram/Jeep Dealer's current ad. Yes this really is played on TV right along with the evening news. Perpetuates the stereotype of brodozer D'bag.
That video is a total fail, just completely inaccurate. Any self respecting d'bag (is that an oxymoron?) in a Cummins Ram would have left the Rolls in a cloud of black soot. Roll coal baby!!!
if you are going slower than them, they will ride your back bumper until you get out of the way.. even if you are already 10 over
If im in the leftmost lane i will ride the ass of anyone i can't actually pass on the right (possibly hitting 90 in the process). I'll almost always try to pass before i bother anyone, though. I dont think it matters how fast you are going as long as i want to go faster. I move out of the left lane for people who want to go faster than me whether im doing the speed limit or 100mph. It's a courtesy i extend to all the other driving enthusiasts of the world. Other than cops.
BlueInGreen44 wrote: Most of the newer Challengers I know of are owned by cool older dudes.
Same here, it's probably a regional thing.
F'rinstance, locally, there is some sort of fault in the HVAC system in the 350Z that forces one's collar to pop. It must be really annoying because the drivers seem to sit really low and to the side in order to avoid it.
The reason? It's relatively easy to obtain. When a company is sinking, they'll sell to anybody just to move cars. So when said "bro" finally bawks his way through an interview and lands a decent job (that he will have for no more than one month) the dealership says "here ya go!" And that how it happens. These bro dozers and etc are menaces to our automotive fun. Don't get all "high and mighty" on this topic. I love that some people on here try to play the high road and pretend stereotypes don't exist. My step dad is African American, he himself has told me that stereotypes are real for a reason. Not always correct, but 99% of the time, yep.
I like them. I was actually checking out the newer 392 cars until I started shopping for an f360. I think they're cool cars. I have way too many 'stereotyped' vehicles to worry about stereotyping idiots anymore. I have a charger for a rental this week.....I like it too.
In reply to Trackmouse:
I was going to go into depth on you, your step dad and that entire thought pattern. Then I remembered - this is the internet, so... Nevermind.
I don't think the cars themselves are flawed, just that they seem to attract the kind of stupid that does stupid that makes laws that keep things from being 100% fun. Same thing applies to Scion Tcs, WRXs of all years, and inexplicably, Trailblazer SS'. At least around here.
Besides a Z2/8 a Challenger R/T with a six speed is the only brand new car I would consider. But I ride a Harley every day, so I've been living up to your bitch ass stereotypes for a long time.
Call me a douchebag, dick or whatever. I'll be your huckleberry
Appleseed wrote: I don't think the cars themselves are flawed, just that they seem to attract the kind of stupid that does stupid that makes laws that keep things from being 100% fun. Same thing applies to Scion Tcs, WRXs of all years, and inexplicably, Trailblazer SS'. At least around here.
Agreed. Certain cars just attract certain subsects of society. Around here, it's like this:
-Flatbrimmers flock to Subarus and VW's, and the wannabe flatbrimmers drive Scion TC's
-"tough guys" (shaved head, goatee, tribal tats) drive Fox Body to New Edge Mustang GT's
-Redneck jerks can be found in an assortment of lifted trucks, and they always start in lifted beat up XJ's and graduate to diesel stuff
-UTI auto tech school kids drive either Evo's, SRT4's, DSM's, or 240sx's. No one else has these.
-"Old Guys Rule" dudes drive muscle cars and complain about ALL newer cars
-Mullets whose musical taste ends in the early 90's can be heard blasting Tesla out of their Camaros. They do not discriminate on the year of the Camaro.
-Juggalos almost always drive GM W-Body cars, like the Grand Prix GTP (hence the nickname Juggalambo!), but sometimes they can be found behind the wheel of a dilapidated late 90's GM J-Body
There are way more than this, but other than the J-Body, I have nothing against the cars themselves.
In reply to Nick_Comstock:
But do you dress up as a gay pirate with every accessory item from the HD catalogue? If not, you just a normal person who cannot comprehend change.
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