Got up this morning, walked out to the escort, got in and heard a, "click click click click." the battery was very dead, so I hopped in the truck and drove through the neighbor's yard.
Sounded like a blinker, but not at hyper speed. One my left rear blinkers are out, so I get hyper speed. The bulb didn't look burnt, but I assumed I was wrong and ordered four new lights. Now I think it could be a short.
Like I said, the battery is DEAD, so no lights flashing or anything.
Any guesses?
Do you have a trunk light or under-hood light that could be staying on? Glove box light?
Trunk and glove box. I'll slow charge when I get home and look around. I've never had a dash relay click when the battery was low. It was constant without the key even being in the ignition.
9/21/12 7:27 a.m.
Aftermarket CD players sometimes like to draw down systems holding on to your radio stations.
very odd... could it be a failed relay?
Could just be a bad battery.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
Could just be a bad battery.
Thats what my father said. Apparently the instrument relay will draw if the amps are too low. I'll find out this afternoon.
Mad, it shouldn't be because relay would need a reason to activate. Most turn off when the ignition turns off, so although a bad relay would cause a problem, it would be unlikely to kill the battery.
What is the current draw with the vehicle OFF?
9/21/12 10:13 a.m.
How old is the battery........the one I had in my saturn threw up the ghost after nearly 7 years, but trunk also started normally 20 minutes before it wouldn't start the car again.....
As Sky_Render said, what is current draw with vehicle off.
You can duplicate the test under load that auto parts stores do with their fancy load tester with a multi-meter and an assistant. Put the probes on battery (I know...duh), should read 12-14 vDC fully charged then have assistant hit the starter. Should drop to about 8 vDC then go back up to about 12 vDC. If battery is bad (bad cell(s)), the reading will drop lower that 8 and stay low while starter is engaged.
Have you had any drastic weather change? When there is a cold/hot snap, we get TONS of dead batteries come through the service drive. Also, like Kenny said, could just be a bad battery. They generally don't give you any warning before they die.
This article tells you the easiest way to measure current draw:
I'll be getting it tested this afternoon. I have a feeling the battery bit it. Temperature has gone from 90's to 30's within about two days.
Usually the car can sit for weeks without a charge. The battery had been there since I bought the car a few years back. Its an interstate.
What battery companies do you guys trust?
9/21/12 12:38 p.m.
After a string of crappy interstates, I buy acdelco's.....
I've had sudden battery death syndrome happen a couple of times before, both times on gel cells about 4 years old.
N Sperlo wrote:
What battery companies do you guys trust?
Mine are usually CraigsList brand. Though, to be honest, I think they are just thinly-disguised-repackaged aftermarket batteries.
N Sperlo wrote:
What battery companies do you guys trust?
My fleet has a ACDelco in the Av, MOPAR replacement in the Dakota, and Deka's in my PSD F250.
Actually...this post prompted me to check with the local battery recycler and purveyor of used batteries for a new-to-me battery for my truck. $30 is the going rate. If it lasts me a year, I'm in good shape (vs. buying a $100 new one).
I get the warehouse store special. The Costco/Kirkland one's have been the best of the bunch.
Actually, Interstates have always been good for me. 3 of the shops I worked at used Interstate batteries and we rarely had to warranty them. They have a 100 month pro-rate warranty. Motorcraft batteries have a 3 yr free replacement and 100 mo pro-rate. I think Interstates have a 1 yr free replacement, but it's been a few years since I've sold them so I can't remember. Find the ones with the thickest case material, those seem to hold up better than any others. How do you find that out? Teh Googlez.
I'm an idiot. Nothing more.
Ut-oh.... That doesn't sound good.
No. Its good. This morning I was... Kind of tired and just gave the light switch a quick feel. Thought they were off (I have no ding-ding-ding noise). That clicking noise was the sound of the windshield wiper relay. Apparently the relay still works when the car is off....