Jensenman wrote:
vazbmw wrote:
reminds me when I watched Corvette Summer. I was like, "dude don't rescue that car"
So I'm not the only guy that thought that.
On subject: that has to be one of the most horrible things ever dreamt (nightmared?) up. I think he got bit by one of those big weird Aussie spiders as he got cranked up.
Well, last week I had a dream about an oval Taurus 'vert... in a similar shade of yellow...
Ian F
12/10/09 1:01 p.m.
Reminds me of one of those wacky custom vans that seem to be popular in Japan... 
It is my personal belief that in both airbrushing and fiberglassing The amount of talent is directly propotionate to the lack of taste. the more talented the artist the worse taste they have.
Look at the projects on
Hell look at what this crazy russian did



Hey, he is a GRM reader! That is the Natural Blond Beaver Coat that was for sale.
12/11/09 12:04 a.m.
Hahahahaha that is funny as hell, that has to be the worst wheel fitment I have every seen!
ditchdigger wrote:
Look at the projects on
Hell look at what this crazy russian did
Do you have to register to see that site? When I go there it says each of the forums ahve lot's of posts, but when entering each they are all empty?
Just checked and yes it looks like you now have to register.
Ian F
12/11/09 9:18 a.m.
There must be something in the vodka they keep for the home market.
He should have left it at this stage. It looks pretty cool here -

Ian F
12/11/09 11:50 a.m.
ditchdigger wrote:
Wally's old "Real Men of Genius" post comes to mind...