9/6/15 10:25 p.m.
Doesn't like the fact that I stop every time I see a car for sale on the side of the road.
How can I help it? Tonight coming home from the inlaws first there was a Jaguar XJ6 L 1974 just sitting there.Of course I stopped. And checked it out. And called the number. That didn't go over so well. When I got back in our truck I said, "Hey honey, I noticed you didn't get out or anything." All I got was "the look."
Then, a few miles farther there was one of those 1990's buick roadmaster wagons (yes with the paneling) and I shouted out (correct me if I'm wrong fellas) hey that's got a chevy 350 in it! So I started slowing down. Then she started yelling at me, "NO! Do not stop this truck, DO NOT stop!"
So to keep my marriage intact I just slowed down a bit and gazed longingly (at the car).
As I drove away I listened to my better half tell me all of the cars that I had were crap: My 1976 Ford Quadravan with a 460 engine. "Not crap" I said. "It was 4 wheel drive, don't you know how rare 4 wheel drive vans are?" Then she said my 1976 Ford Station Wagon was terrible. "Not true I said, at least not until I blew the engine." After that she brought up a few other cars I owned that also didn't sit well with her.
I'm going back to look at the station wagon tomorrow on our way to counseling.
Buy a BiTurbo and really show her who's boss! 
I just get death glares when I look at motorcycles.
Hmmm. My fiancé surprised me with a Miata for my birthday in May. Granted it was a $700, 350k mile miata. But Berk me, a woman I'm with bought me a car I want.
We went to cars and coffee yesterday. We wandered around and picked out our favorite cars. I was all Noble M12. She liked the super clean fuel injected Ford Falcon. It was sweet.
Let her pick the next project???
When she gets fussy you about your car hobby, casually suggest, that it's "cheaper than blondes." 
or you could be spending time at the strip club or something......
at least she knows where you are at least.....
"Ease up Honey, it's not like I'm looking at other women that way." 
That is why all my conversations around the dinner table start with "I stopped to look at this old __ (fill in car) today over in ___(fill in town)". I never stop when the wifey is in the car.
dean1484 wrote:
Let her pick the next project???
Tried that once. She picked a bathroom.
My wife feels your wife's pain
Wally wrote:
dean1484 wrote:
Let her pick the next project???
Tried that once. She picked a bathroom.
I say "so I'm thinking of working on...."
She says "I the next word isn't bathroom or kitchen I don't want to hear it."
Not I just tell her about what I've already done.
plance1 wrote:
As I drove away I listened to my better half tell me all of the cars that I had were crap: My 1976 Ford Quadravan with a 460 engine. "Not crap" I said. "It was 4 wheel drive, don't you know how rare 4 wheel drive vans are?" Then she said my 1976 Ford Station Wagon was terrible. "Not true I said, at least not until I blew the engine." After that she brought up a few other cars I owned that also didn't sit well with her.
Does she have some hobbies that you can E36 M3 all over?
Mine is sick of the shenanigans too. I'm in the midst of selling my projects because I just don't have the time for projects and kids. She used to be a lot more accepting, but with our schedules now it just doesn't make a lot of sense. I still have the same reaction to cool old cars sitting by the side of the road though!
I just try to convince the wife that they are all actually for her.
It could be worse. You could have parents who are so far unconvinced that me buying another GM product is a good idea, despite the fact that my dad wants a Mitsubishi Mirage, and my mom bought a 2013 sonata even after I told her about the DI carbon buildup problems. Now they have a three year old car that has 20,000 miles on it.
We all would have stopped for the Roadmaster. No shame.
I get much the same static. Usually stopping for E30s or other BMWs.
My friend's wife suggested "It's either this or a girlfriend!"; but I'm not THAT brave...
shadetree30 wrote:
I get much the same static. Usually stopping for E30s or other BMWs.
My friend's wife suggested "It's either this or a girlfriend!"; but I'm not THAT brave...
Brave, stupid, same thing.
In reply to shadetree30:
At least I am not the only one...... I just Bought a 90's something Blazer, She Gonna Cus, Over heated engine (v6) but for a hundred bucks W/ Title, can't go wrong... Right!
GTXVette wrote:
In reply to shadetree30:
At least I am not the only one...... I just Bought a 90's something Blazer, She Gonna Cus, Over heated engine (v6) but for a hundred bucks W/ Title, can't go wrong... Right!
How can I find the deals you guys do? 
Best line ever!
"I'm going back to look at the station wagon tomorrow on our way to counseling."