So, I built an engine for the '84 Celica. First time I've ever put an entire engine together. Took my time and followed the book. Took me a week working for an hour or two a day after work to get it together. Sure seems like the machine shop did a great job. Everything looks like new and fits nice.
Last weekend I pulled the old engine and put the new one in. But, doh! I realized that I forgot to install the new throw out bearing and... one other mistake too embarrassing to admit in public. I let it sit for most of the week as other life deals needed my time. But tonight I pulled the transmission, fixed the issues and put it all back together. Tomorrow morning I just need to install the header, fan, belts and add fluids. Then prime it and cross my fingers.
Sure hope it runs! I'm a little nervous. Oh well, just wanted to share my anxiety.
Take care,
Stock rebuild 22r? Or did you do any "fun" work to it?
3/11/11 6:20 a.m.
Rebuilding an engine, and hearing it start for the first time is an awesome feeling. Good luck!
Don't forget to prime the oil pump, either with a dummy distributor (I'd applicable) or by cranking the engine before adding spark and fuel.
Go thru all the little things in your head (like you haven't already), like ensuring timing isn't 180 off, or that you didn't forget the oil pump shaft (seen it happen on a SBC).
After the first break-in, go over every bolt to ensure they're torqued properly. Hose clamps, too. The first expansion and contraction magically loosens things up.
I did an overnight build once (400 SBC), and was ready to start it for the first time, with open headers, at 4:30 AM. My father was still asleep upstairs. My buddy asked if it would make him mad being awaken. I said there was only one way to find out.
The engine fired and was running roughly. We heard my dad screaming at us from a window. His comment: "It sounds like you're distributor is off a gear!" He was right.
3/11/11 8:09 a.m.
Kramer wrote:
We heard my dad screaming at us from a window. His comment: "It sounds like you're distributor is off a gear!" He was right.
laughed out loud on that one...sounds like my dad, but he would have thrown a 'JESUS CHRIST' in there
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
Stock rebuild 22r? Or did you do any "fun" work to it?
Pretty much stock. It's an SCCA Street Prepared build, so can't do anything much internal. I did the max overbore and balance. That's about all you can do.
Kramer, thanks for the tips. Yeah, I keep going over and over everything. The "error" I found came about just that way while lying in bed after working on it really hard. I read quite a bit about priming the 22R. Sounds like cranking it is the only way. I have plugs in it just to cover the holes, but new plugs to go in and the computer isn't plugged in yet. So I'll pull the old plugs and prime it all before I hook up the computer.
Okay, heading over to the shop in about an hour.
It lives!
Long day. Took longer to do the last few things than I expected- especially fitting the header. I had to drop the steering rack, which, I discovered, has a stripped bolt. Grrrr.
Okay, ready to go. I crank it with the computer unplugged to prime the oil pump. What's that sound? Huge puddle of oil on the floor. I missed one oil plug on the block- and it's right in the middle of the motor mount. Okay. Fixed that.
Ready to go. Crank it. Huge puddle of gas on the floor. I didn't hook up the return line. Are you serious? This can't be happening. Okay. Fixed that.
Ready to go. Crank it. Crank some more. Nothing. Nadda. I messed with it forever to finally discover that I put the damn rotor in 180 degrees out. Well of course I did. I worked way too late one night and made a lot of mistakes. I did the rotor that same night. Okay. Fixed that.
Ready to go. Crank it. Man, it fired so fast it made my head spin! Like right now. Runs great. It's just on an open header right now, but I took it for a little spin. I'm working in a shop in an industrial neighborhood, so a few streets to drive around on with no chance of running into a cop. It runs great! I built and engine and it runs!
I feel pretty cool, even with all the mistakes. Next time, check list.
Congrats!! Always a good feeling when they come to life.
Even the Foose A-Team has leaks at first start up...
3/11/11 9:08 p.m.
Sad news is that while the great feeling of firing up a new engine never goes away, it will never be like that first time!
Nice! I just rebuilt an engine recently as well, and it's really satisfying to drive the car, even down the driveway haha.
If it makes you feel any better (about the throw-out bearing etc) I had to shim a timing chain guide with a washer because Rock Auto parts are junk. Very ghetto :/
Makes me pretty nervous. I still torqued it down correctly and everything fit well afterwards, but...yea.