The wife's Elantra got new tires today. Every time I have the wheels off I soak all of the suspension components with WD/40 and wipe it down. I do the same with the rest of the undercarriage when I get it up for an oil change. I'm weird, I understand that, I'm OK with it. But I come from a rust state and figure anything I can do to keep it clean and keep the rust away will make everything go better in the future when I'll actually have to replace some parts. I have to say it still looks good for 29,330 miles. You be the judge,

This car lives outside on a gravel drive. Anyway I was wiping everything down today and got to wondering if I may be doing damage to the various rubber and plastic hoses, pipes and bushings with the WD/40.
What do you think?
Who knows for sure... but... on this 2000+ uses for WD40 web page (from the makers of WD40) they claim it can clean & protect several automotive items made of rubber-ish materials.
Probably not, but don't put it on your hootus! (The rubber, get it?)
[In With First Hootus Joke]
I've used WD for a one swipe clean/ shine on rubber parts under the car and in engine compartment w/ no adverse effects. It's quick n easy.
You use WD40 on your rubber ?
OK, somebody had to ask.
WD40 is mostly naphtha(the primary component of gasoline, aka zippo lighter fluid, coleman camp fuel, etc.) and some light oil, a wipe down now and then wont hurt anything rubber/plastic.
Good to hear, I'd like nothing more than for it to still look like this at 130k miles.
Still, for rubber stuff silicone lube is better. Chemically safe with everything.