I run with various clubs doing all sorts of weekend warrior driving events.
Safety is usually a big concern with all involved and that is a good thing.
Some of the higher speed events require that you have either your drivers window closed, or window net in place, or arm restraints. All with the intention of keeping you arms attached to your body in the event of a wreck.
I like my arms attached to my body.
Some insist on having their windows down, and run a net or restraints. Sure it can get hot, and the window down offers relief.
Just curious what folks thoughts are relative to having a window down with net, and it's affects on aero. Any substantial difference?
I'd rather have a net than a piece of glass next to me in a crash. I don't think the aerodynamic loss is great enough to really be quantifiable.
Besides, glass is heavy.
I wish there were some local driving events fast enough for it to matter 
Glass is heavy, but it also works with my heavy power window motor. So I can stay warm and dry when the need is there. Allows me to lock up the car etc.
For the sake of my discussion, all factory windows stay in place and functional.
My Cadavalier has no glass and I like to put the net up in case Clem tries to roll me.
sachilles wrote:
Glass is heavy, but it also works with my heavy power window motor. So I can stay warm and dry when the need is there. Allows me to lock up the car etc.
For the sake of my discussion, all factory windows stay in place and functional.
I still prefer a net then. It won't shatter and cover me with glass.
When I rolled at philo, the only glass that broke was the what Don broke with the tow hook, so he could latch on the cage. My drivers glass was at 3/4 height. Yet no sticks or stones poked through. On safety there are positives and negatives, which really isn't my question.
I was more curious about aero. I like closed window to prevent wind noise on in car video personally.
Not exactly high speed, but our AX club mandates that your windows either be all the way up or all the way down, and I always prefer windows down. More input as to what's going on with the tires.