11/4/08 11:55 a.m.
Well, I finally got paint finished and it's ready for glass. Original plans included a DIY job... but most people say it's a bad idea. Now, I know it would be expensive and time consuming if anything went wrong... but is it really that hard?
I found a good deal on a windshield... $106.50, or $213 installed. I assume the epoxies are like $30 so that's about $70 of labor. I know it's only going to take them like an hour... I figure my roommate and I can do this no problem. I've seen a few so-so DIY step-by-step installs but wanted to get the details we should watch out for.
It's got 2 plastic tabs to hold up the windshield... then something about the pinchwelds, etc. What do you all think?
11/4/08 12:08 p.m.
For $70? Have them do it. If it leaks you take it back and bitch.
$70 bucks sounds fair for an hour's labor at a shop, and cheaper than having to buy two windshields.
I 've installed a dozen windshields out of poor-ness. I hate the job with a passion. It's one of the rare car related things I'll gladly subcontract out if I can.
Yeah if it leaks or breaks its on them, I would pay for that. If you really want to DIY its better as a 2 man job, one on the outside pressing down, the other on the inside pulling the string that has been wrapped around the groove of the seal well lubed with soap.
Shop around if you're worried about money. I can't imagine Daytona has any fewer options than Austin, and I can get Miata/RX7/Subaru/Honda windshields for under 200 installed, and usually the same day. Look in the phone book and start with companies with "Discount" and "Affordable" in their names.
11/4/08 10:32 p.m.
FINE! I give in. I'll let them do it... and eat Ramen for 2 weeks 
Go with the noodles man.
I had a windshield put in my Samurai, I thought it was cake. The thing is dead flat, 2" radii at each corner, it looks about idiot proof. Technician shows up, wipes the area down, duck butters some epoxy in the gasket and starts. He does the string thing which I've done about six times, but the next step, never. Not kidding, it took him an hour to get the glass centered in the gasket. He was pounding and sliding but patient.
He knocked $40 off because I pain in cash. IF I did it and it broke, I'm all done. He breaks it, he comes back tomorrow with new glass and tries it again.
Chop a little chicken, maybe some scallions into the Ramen, this is money well spent.
11/5/08 6:12 a.m.
im going to do my own,,, or at least try. ive got the window in the parts car, ive got a heat gun and some wire, and nothing to loose but time. Besides, its on my list of things ive never done, maybe thats a good thing, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway 
Definitely get someone experienced to do it! A bad (read: imperfect) windshield install = LEAKS = RUST.
RUST + AE86 = pile of brown particles. $70's not bad at all.