Anybody know what the law enforcement stance is on windshields (or lack thereof, really)?
I haven't found any laws in Kansas that state that you must have a windshield, just that if you have a windshield you must have functional wipers and the glass must be free of cracks.

They vary state to state. Ask an inspector from your state.
7/23/12 9:47 a.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
They vary state to state. Ask an inspector from your state **for the state's statute number so you can read the real law verbatim**.
FTFY. Lots of times the state inspectors say one thing and the laws say another. It's best to look it up yourself and then ask any question to the state inspector while referencing the statute.
That's exactly what I did when I built my Locost. Went to the local public library and looked up the actual laws. They were pretty clear.
I can tell you that in Colorado, there are different rules for hot rods and, umm, non-hot-rods. I can also tell you that Caterham USA says they don't have any difficulty getting a Superlight (without a windshield) through inspection and registration in Colorado, despite the lack of a windshield or hot rodness.
I don't recall if there was a minimum height, but I think there was. The wiper rules were a bit different than you might expect, too - you had to be able to clean the water off, but the method was not specified. A squeegee on a stick would have worked.
7/23/12 10:03 a.m.
Depends on the state - but ariel atoms are street legal with no windshield. For a TR4 it's only 2 bolts if you're thinking of running without. The red car runs brookland screens. George Wright has the plexi screen. The plexi screen does help air flow
Ariel Atoms are street legal in some states, not all. The "registration" section of the Atom forum is a busy one :) Oregon even has a special law written just for Atoms.
Called KHP. The inspection trooper pointed me to the only statute I had found.
Statute 8-1741 says (paraphrased) 1. no stickers on the windshield or side windows that obstruct driver's view, 2. no damage on windshield or side windows that obstructs driver's view, 3. windshield must have a device for cleaning rain/snow/moisture from the windshield and must be in good working order.
Doesn't look like there's anything to prohibit running windshield-less.
Thanks fellas.
Kansas said:
8-1743: Safety glazing material requirements; limitation on registration; misdemeanor. (a) No person shall sell any new motor vehicle as specified in this section, nor shall any such new motor vehicle be registered, unless such vehicle is equipped with safety glazing material when glazing materials are used in doors, windows and windshields. This subsection (a) shall apply to all passenger-type motor vehicles, including passenger buses and school buses. This subsection (a) shall not apply to glazing material in compartments of trucks and truck tractors not designed and equipped for persons to ride therein.
(b) No person shall sell or affix to a motor vehicle any truck-camper manufactured or assembled after July 1, 1968, unless such truck-camper is equipped with safety glazing material where glazing material is used in doors and windows.
(c) The division of vehicles shall not register any motor vehicle which is subject to the provisions of this section unless it is equipped with safety glazing material, and the division shall suspend the registration of any such motor vehicle which is not so equipped until it conforms to the requirements of this section.
(d) No person shall replace any glass or glazing materials used in partitions, doors, windows or windshields in any motor vehicle with any material other than safety glazing material.
(e) This section is subject to K.S.A. 8-2009a.
(f) As used in this section, "safety glazing material" means glazing material which conforms to the American national standard "safety code for safety glazing materials for glazing motor vehicles operating on land highways," Z26.1-1966, July 15, 1966, as supplemented by Z26.1a-1969, March 7, 1969.
(g) Violation of this section is a misdemeanor.
History: L. 1974, ch. 33, § 8-1743; L. 1975, ch. 427, § 42; L. 1976, ch. 40, § 9; L. 1979, ch. 42, § 1; L. 1984, ch. 39, § 18; Jan. 1, 1985.
This appears to say that it's better to have NO windshield, than to have anything as a "windshield" that doesn't have safety glazing...
Virginia (another data point):
"Motor vehicles may be inspected without windshields, side glasses, or any kind of glazing, except that any motor vehicle other than a motorcycle that was manufactured, assembled, or reconstructed after July 1, 1970, must be equipped with a windshield."
7/23/12 11:40 a.m.
davidjs wrote:
Kansas said:
8-1743: Safety glazing material requirements; limitation on registration; misdemeanor. (a) No person shall sell any new motor vehicle as specified in this section, nor shall any such new motor vehicle be registered, unless such vehicle is equipped with safety glazing material when glazing materials are used in doors, windows and windshields. This subsection (a) shall apply to all passenger-type motor vehicles, including passenger buses and school buses. This subsection (a) shall not apply to glazing material in compartments of trucks and truck tractors not designed and equipped for persons to ride therein.
(b) No person shall sell or affix to a motor vehicle any truck-camper manufactured or assembled after July 1, 1968, unless such truck-camper is equipped with safety glazing material where glazing material is used in doors and windows.
(c) The division of vehicles shall not register any motor vehicle which is subject to the provisions of this section unless it is equipped with safety glazing material, and the division shall suspend the registration of any such motor vehicle which is not so equipped until it conforms to the requirements of this section.
(d) No person shall replace any glass or glazing materials used in partitions, doors, windows or windshields in any motor vehicle with any material other than safety glazing material.
(e) This section is subject to K.S.A. 8-2009a.
(f) As used in this section, "safety glazing material" means glazing material which conforms to the American national standard "safety code for safety glazing materials for glazing motor vehicles operating on land highways," Z26.1-1966, July 15, 1966, as supplemented by Z26.1a-1969, March 7, 1969.
(g) Violation of this section is a misdemeanor.
History: L. 1974, ch. 33, § 8-1743; L. 1975, ch. 427, § 42; L. 1976, ch. 40, § 9; L. 1979, ch. 42, § 1; L. 1984, ch. 39, § 18; Jan. 1, 1985.
This appears to say that it's better to have NO windshield, than to have anything as a "windshield" that doesn't have safety glazing...
That looks like a regulation for NEW motor vehicles.
This is the bit that concerns me.
"d. No person shall replace any glass or glazing materials used in partitions, doors, windows or windshields in any motor vehicle with any material other than safety glazing material. "
Doesn't say you can't remove the windshield, but does seem to say you can't replace the windshield with a non-approved material.
FWIW, Lexan is an approved material.
7/23/12 11:53 a.m.
So "Air" would be a non-approved material?
Replacement implies something other than "nothing" has to exist.
Personally I would say berkeley it and run windshield less.
7/23/12 12:03 p.m.
Just put a little lexan deflector in front of you and put a volvo's headlight wiper on it 
7/23/12 12:06 p.m.
We have hobbyist plates in Wisconsin. It pretty much mean if it looks relatively safe, you're good! 
Is there some benefit to removing the windshield, or is it just for style? Junebugs in the forehead at 70mph don't feel very good.
Or for that matter, the road grit thrown up by other vehicles (or the sand and gravel blowing off the back of dump trucks.) I remember this very well from back when I used to ride a motorcycle with an open face helmet.
bludroptop wrote:
Virginia (another data point):
"Motor vehicles may be inspected without windshields, side glasses, or any kind of glazing, except that any motor vehicle other than a motorcycle that was manufactured, assembled, or reconstructed after July 1, 1970, must be equipped with a windshield."
Well that sucks =/ good to know, though...