My new to me BMW has 146k on the clock. While the car is in good shape overall, the windshield is horribly sandblasted. To the extent that it's dangerous when driving into the sun.
Short of replacing it, are there any rehab options that actually work? I'm happy to put a fair amount of effort into it, if there is something worthwhile out there. Advice?
Wetsand then machine polish? Other than that, I got nothin.
A new windshield on my LS400 was a bit over two bills at a national chain windshield place. What do they want for a porcupine car?
10/30/14 9:21 p.m.
That's about the only good thing about Florida insurance. Each year your allowed one free windshield replacement without it affecting your insurance rates, if you have comprehensive coverage.
10/30/14 9:42 p.m.
assuming you have comp. ins. stand in front of the car and throw your 90 mph fastball of a small rock aimed head high drivers side …. bingo … new windshield
not that I'm advocating ins. fraud .. but a dangerous to see out of windshield will get replaced with comp.
My e36 M3 had the same problem. I did not want to take the insurance route since it really was not cracked.
I paid $210 from the dealership for a new windshield and $75 to get it installed. Thats what I would do.
I've done the glass polishing route myself. Overall, not worth the time, effort and mess. I did make the glass better, but it took many hours of slurry polishing.
On our Challenge AMC, there was a ton of overspray, grossness and pitting on all of the glass. After glass cleaner did nothing, I tried some 3M Rubbing Compound and a DA buffer. Holy crap what a difference! The glass looks brand new now. I plan on doing this to all of my cars. It's worth a shot.
When you do get a good windshield again, look into applying some protective film or tear-offs to keep it from happening again. Waxing the windshield before track days seems to help as well.
10/31/14 9:23 a.m.
It won't solve the problem long-term, but you can get the glass really clean with Bon-Ami, which is a mild powder abrasive cleaner made from eggshells. It won't scratch the glass, but it will take all the crud off it and at least make it a bit easier to see through. It's not a solution, but as a quick-to-perform interim step it can make a difference. I do it on my ancient 2002 windshield once or twice a year.
02Pilot wrote:
It won't solve the problem long-term, but you can get the glass really clean with Bon-Ami, which is a mild powder abrasive cleaner made from eggshells. It won't scratch the glass, but it will take all the crud off it and at least make it a bit easier to see through. It's not a solution, but as a quick-to-perform interim step it can make a difference. I do it on my ancient 2002 windshield once or twice a year.
I do this with Bar Keeper's Friend, then I hit it with Rain-X.
This really is a case where replacement is worth the money. Just replaced the windshield in the Porsche and it was a little over $220 installed. Good value for the money in my book.
I've got the same problem on my wrx. But its got the wiper de-icer in it so it was over 350 installed. Not bad but still enough that I've just been living with it. I'll have to look into seeing if my insurance will cover it I didn't know any would do that.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
I do this with Bar Keeper's Friend, then I hit it with Rain-X.
What the heck is that and where do you get it?
Best thing we've ever found to clean both stainless and regular sinks.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Tom_Spangler wrote:
I do this with Bar Keeper's Friend, then I hit it with Rain-X.
What the heck is that and where do you get it?
Every grocery store. Well, maybe not the ones YOU go to, but, you know, normal grocery stores like Meijer or Kroger. 
Clay bar it with a heavy clay kit from someone like Chemical Guys. Might just be dirt.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
Every grocery store. Well, maybe not the ones YOU go to, but, you know, normal grocery stores like Meijer or Kroger.
Never heard of it, shurg, I'll send the soon as I find her.
Thanks for the recommendations folks!
I did the Rain-X brand clay bar kit and it did basically nothing but use my time and confirm every speck was a small pit in the glass. Sure helped get the best performance out of the Rain-X though.
I'd replace the windshield but they always seem to squeak and/or leak afterwards.
Petrolburner wrote:
I did the Rain-X brand clay bar kit and it did basically nothing but use my time and confirm every speck was a small pit in the glass. Sure helped get the best performance out of the Rain-X though.
I'd replace the windshield but they always seem to squeak and/or leak afterwards.
I just HAD to mention my disgust with aftermarket windshields. Walked out to my car this morning and found this. In the garage overnight. Like it just happened all on its own. berkeley.

Man. That sucks. Sorry to hear that.