My '97 Ferd Expedition doesn't keep washer fluid in the tank. It will be empty a day after filling it, without ever using it. I pulled it out and filled it with water, but the only place it came out was through the pump, rapidly. The hoses (single pump feeds front and rear) are in good condition, from what I can see without removing a bunch of stuff to get at them, and spray fine when I fill the tank. Plus, they are routed higher than the tank, shortly after the pump, so I can't imagine them draining it.
Should the juice pour out of the pump in a steady stream? Or, should it only be a trickle, if that?
Depends on the pump. The stock pumps in my Jeep allow free flow of fluid when they're not running. I've seen others that don't allow any flow until the pump is on.
The pump on an '83 Mercedes slips into the bottom of the tank with an O Ring sealing the hole. Check your out closely, may not be the pump.
The rubber "gasket" that held the pump to the reservoir in my miata got weak and flexible causing everything to pour out around the pump. Maybe that's something to look at?
Hmm, it wasn't leaking around the gasket/seal when I filled it, but that doesn't mean it's dried out and leaking when it's running and vibration moves it around...
Check carefully for cracks too.
fill the tank 1/2 way then pressurize the tank a little. Should see a stream somewhere.