Page 177 of the November issue rocks :)
I've been asking my wife for over a week if the new GRM has arrived. Nope, she hasn't seen it. Yesterday my 8 year old was looking for something and knocked over a pile of books and magazines and in typical 8 year old style left them there. For once I can't complain as when I walk in and find the mess 'hey, I don't recognize that GRM cover'. Yup, it the missing November issue :) :) :) :)
Flicking through I get to the back and there's my own Volvo staring back at me in the 'Your Cars' section. I can't describe what an amazing feeling it is getting my own .000005 seconds of fame in a National magazine, it's really out of proportion with it's actual lack of importance to the world, but It makes me happy:)
Is there any way of getting a pdf of the cover and that page?
Thanks again.