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Reggie Jordan
Reggie Jordan Circulation Director
5/29/13 12:20 p.m.

Not including racing experiences, what's the worst case of an atrocious driver that you've witnessed?

stuart in mn
stuart in mn PowerDork
5/29/13 12:23 p.m.

Probably the woman who ran a stop sign in December and totaled out my car.

Reggie Jordan
Reggie Jordan Circulation Director
5/29/13 12:27 p.m.

In reply to stuart in mn: Yikes. Hope you (and your passengers?) were not injured at all.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
5/29/13 12:27 p.m.

I guess this means that web videos and inexplicable accident aftermath don't count...

So it's gotta be between various people driving like they're drunk (just general extreme slowness/not staying in lane/not following road rules), and an old dude driving on country roads like it was his first time in any sort of vehicle. He very nearly came to a complete stop in a corner a lot like Turn 6 at Road America.

yamaha UberDork
5/29/13 12:32 p.m.

Women......Exhibit A. http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/grm/lets-be-carefule-out-there-towing/64937/page1/

mazdeuce Dork
5/29/13 12:32 p.m.

A police officer, any police officer, rolling a right turn through a red light/stop sign without a signal while talking on a cell phone. I've seen it three times in the past year. Follow the laws you're tasked to enforce.

icaneat50eggs Reader
5/29/13 12:32 p.m.

a lady shaving her legs and girly parts while driving in rush hour in Dallas.

Bobzilla UberDork
5/29/13 12:32 p.m.

This morning? The dumb blonde with a phone tucked up against her ear and shoulder, putting on eyeliner in the visor mirror driving with her knee. At 70mph on a crowded interstate.

SnowMongoose Reader
5/29/13 12:38 p.m.
icaneat50eggs wrote: a lady shaving her legs and girly parts while driving in rush hour in Dallas.


I have slight misgivings about shaving my face with an electric razor when I'm going to work on deserted roads at 4AM... that's nuts.

Tyler H
Tyler H GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
5/29/13 12:43 p.m.

Saw one guy (in a Talon) near a local community college about 2am that couldn't keep it between the ditches on a deserted 3-lane interstate. He weaved between the rumble strips and median at about 45mph. I slowly approached and paced him. Made a pass and quickly resumed the 80mph I was doing previously. He sped up, dive-bombed past me and then hit the median?Jersey barrier and scraped along that for about 200 feet and then veered off across three lanes, some grass and caught his exit.

Almost hit an Acura Integra headon that was being driven at a high rate of speed the wrong way down a cloverleaf in the middle of the day.

Don't drink and drive, kids.

slefain UltraDork
5/29/13 1:01 p.m.

I rode to lunch with DILYSI Dave in his WRX once.

SilverFleet Dork
5/29/13 1:09 p.m.

We called in a drunk lady on Easter of this year. After almost hitting us on the highway, she pinballed side to side across 3 lanes for a few miles, occasionally going off road. After getting off the highway, she went off road a few times and almost hit someone head on before the cops were able to nab her. She was almost home, and she lived in a densely populated neighborhood that had a ton of kids playing outside. She was so close that the arresting officer was able to driver her SUV home and walk back to the cruiser.

I got a call the next day from the cops thanking me for calling and that she was the most drunk anyone had been behind the wheel in the history of the town. Luckily no one was hurt by her stupidity.

Datsun310Guy UberDork
5/29/13 1:13 p.m.

I see a lot of people eating food - not just a candy bar or piece of candy but sloppy looking hamburgers and taco's wrapped up in paper being eaten carefully as they drive down the highway. We saw a guy eating a cup of soup the other day.

oh, wait....

BoostedBrandon Dork
5/29/13 1:19 p.m.

In reply to SilverFleet:

+1 kudos to you for calling that in. About one month ago I watched a woman in a Prius take five attempts to make a 90° turn into a parking space.

mapper Reader
5/29/13 2:12 p.m.

75 South headed to Tifton from Atlanta:

"Lady" driving a pickup truck while leaned over and giving hand satisfaction to her male passenger who was kicked back with his feet on the dash. She couldn't maintain her lane but kept a constant speed. Must have been on cruise control.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/29/13 2:16 p.m.

I have called in a few. One was a guy in a caddy who took off the mirror on my Tibiron while I was doing 75mph on the Atlantic City Expressway. He flew by me so fast I was not even aware he was coming up behind me before I was suddenly showered in bits of plastic and mirror glass. How he didn't get the rest of my car, I will never know.

A couple of years ago, while heading into work, I was on the left most lane heading into the borgata. The "brigantine connector" of the Atlantic City Expressway is 35mph and I will freely admit to doing 50. the employee exit for the Borgata is on the left. SUV coming up onto the connector from the right crossed over three lanes without looking and would have crushed me into the jersey barrier if I didn't see it coming and mash the brakes.

What is truely amazing about that.. I have no pheriphrial vision on the right, so how I noticed them coming at all, I will never know. I just suddenly mashed the brakes and this suburban type SUV Swung in front of me, inches from the nose of my bimmer.

iceracer UberDork
5/29/13 5:23 p.m.

Got behind a woman who drove for miles with the right wheels solidly on the shoulder. No wandering. Nor particularly slow.

Kenny_McCormic Dork
5/29/13 5:32 p.m.

I once watched a semi try merging into a semi. That was interesting.

fritzsch HalfDork
5/29/13 5:35 p.m.

Girl I used to carpool with to work. Occasionally she would put her left foot up on the dash next to the steering wheel and also her arms through the steering wheel and would drive with her elbows. When not doing that, being an animated talker, she would constantly be turning around to talk to the people in her minivan. I never enjoyed those 50 minute rides.

icaneat50eggs Reader
5/29/13 5:38 p.m.

I used to work road construction, so I have lots of these.

We were working on the frontage roads of I35 in downtown Austin. All the work was being done at night. One night we are down at the bottom of a big hill, when we here a very regular thump, thump, thump. We had the right lane coned off for about 1.5 miles before where we were actually working. I look up and coming down the hill is an early 80's lincoln, doing about 15 MPH. She is straddling the lane line that we had set the cones up on and is taking them out one by one. SHe had about 25 stuck under her car, and was knocking down every one she came to.

We flagged her down before she got into the construction area. She had hit every cone for over a mile. When we got her stopped she was about 90 and really confused. She said that her car was making funny noises (hitting the cones) and smoking (dragging the cones) and she was on her way back from dialysis at the hospital up the road. She liked to go at night because there weren't any lines. She had NO CLUE she had taken out over a mile of cones.

moparman76_69 Dork
5/29/13 5:47 p.m.

I had an older lady pull out into the first lane of traffic and sit there until I hit her. Locked up brakes and squealing tires and she looked like a deer in the headlights. Her insurance gave me 1300 dollars to repair a 800 dollar truck. I did the repairs myself, it cost less than 300 bucks.

stuart in mn
stuart in mn PowerDork
5/29/13 6:25 p.m.
Reggie Jordan wrote: In reply to stuart in mn: Yikes. Hope you (and your passengers?) were not injured at all.

No injuries so that was good, but she killed my really nice e30 325ix.

ebonyandivory HalfDork
5/29/13 7:02 p.m.

Driving my lifted beater XJ with 34" Super Swampers sticking out 4" on each side... Guy in a brand new (at the time) Cadillac CTS tries to squeeze past me on the right as two lanes narrow to one. His lane disappeared and was flanked by a curb. I was unwilling to veer into oncoming traffic as he tried to edge me aside so I kept the wheel straight and let the chips and body-side-molding fall where they may.

You guessed it, two giant black rubber swirl marks and stripped side molding from tail lights to headlights. My tires ate well that day.

The worst part was the driver was straight out of Goodfellas. I thought I was gonna sleep with the fishes that day.

vwcorvette GRM+ Memberand Dork
5/29/13 7:03 p.m.

My FIL who just left to return home to Detroit. I've taught 16 year-olds better than him. Hands resting through the steering wheel, left foot almost always on the brake pedal, atrocious tailgating, no sense of vehicle size, and on and on. My wife agrees.

Apis_Mellifera Reader
5/29/13 7:30 p.m.

Basically every person from Ohio I've ever seen driving a motor vehicle anywhere; especially when confronted with asphalt that isn't dry, flat, and straight or a speed faster than 60mph. I'm convinced the Ohio driving exam has substituted the section that informs drivers that the steering wheel not only can be used as a place to rest your hands, but also can be moved left and right while the car is in motion, for a section that says it's OK to drive at or below the speed limit in the passing lane, to ignore the string of cars behind you while executing a cruise control pass that takes 5 miles to complete, and to fixate on a car, adjust your speed, and either tailgate them or refuse to let them pass.

I drive a lot in states surrounding Ohio and those people are a menace. The fact that they appear oblivious to their surroundings is remarkable.

There is a very long straight section of highway between Marrieta, OH and Charleston, WV I drive once or twice a week. I routinely get one of them stuck on my bumper a car length or two away while cruising at 75. No one else for miles in front of or behind us. He's doing 65, I pass, he speeds up and tailgates me. I speed up to 85 or 90 and get a half mile buffer and resume 70. Thirty seconds later, Mr. Ohio has sped up and settled back in behind. I hit decelerate on the cruise control every few seconds until I'm down to 50. He slows. We're both going ridiculously slow and it's obvious and intentional . Eventually he passes and speeds up to 65. I speed up to 75 and pass. He speeds up, falls in, and it starts again.

If there is an idiot irritating people, driving dangerously slow, in the wrong lane, clogging up traffic, whether it's I77 or all the way down I40 to Wilmington, NC, the vehicle is guaranteed to have an Ohio plate on it. Usually it's Winston Salem, traffic is doing 80 and one moron from Ohio is in the far left lane with his cruise set to 66 trying to pass another moron from Ohio in the next lane over with his cruise on 65.

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