This showed up on my local Craigslist and has piqued my interest. 282k is a lot of miles - but it is a Volvo. More than that, I would be worried about the problematic AWD system being bad or the transmission probably blowing up sometime soon. It's been up for a while though; my steam cleaner could probably bring that interior back pretty easily and for, say, $1300 it might be worth it.
What do you guys think?
7/12/14 12:11 p.m.
I'm not sure what the point would be; you can't trust the driveline to not explode in one way or another, everything is tired, the interior does not say "caring owner". And it's not like you could flip the thing for much money with that kind of mileage. And with the mileage I don't see how it could be worth buying to part out.
So no. No is my vote.
No to V70R unless it's the later version
I doubt it's even AWD anymore.
I'm a huge Volvo fan, but unless it's got a tome of maintenance records with it I'd probably pass. Wore out is an understatement. Engine will last a long time, everything else is on it's last leg.
I daily an 850 GLT, basically the lower powered squarer version of the same car. I'm at north of 220K miles, it's mechanically sound, but all the little stuff is starting to fall apart. I fix one thing something else breaks. It's comfortable, but doesn't get very good gas mileage, and has a lot of little nit-picky things wrong with it, plus a few larger not so nit-picky things, and I like to think I do a little better than the average dolt with maintenance and upkeep.
7/12/14 1:48 p.m.
Nobody wants that thing because of the miles. I'd offer him like 700 bucks and if he doesn't take it, wait a few weeks and do it again, then if it dies, who cares.
when I had my 850.. I wanted in the worst way to find a turbowagon to swap the 5 speed from it into.
I figured it wasn't worth it; maybe when he hits sub-$1000 I'll lowball him.
I think an 850R is more my speed anyway...I'd put up with the slush box for that boxy goodness.
This would be a BETTER deal.
That is done wore out son.
you would sit in those seats????
For under $1000 I would go for it.
Change the diff, angle, and trans fluids immediately. Along with the belts and flame trap. Regular leather junkyard seats can be had for about $100-I once bought a complete interior WITH seats for $200 by asking the manager at PAP first. Wheelskinz and you're done...except its still autotragic. There is a three-pedal V70 in a local yard I've been debating getting the swap parts from, but I'm not sure its AWD.
But then I'm weird.
7/12/14 7:28 p.m.
I can find cars that are better than that in any way, for less money.
I'd say it is worth about $800, best case.
In reply to Junkyard_Dog:
If the entire PCV system hasn't been replaced a time or two already it'd have oil blowing out of every seal at that mileage. I'd expect the flame trap to be removed and thrown away long ago.
That interior is grungy though, you might get away with some Lexol and elbow grease on the seats, steam cleaner for the rest.
Expect to budget $600-$1000 in maintenance parts and fluids on top of whatever low-ball price the seller accepts.
Wow those seats and steering wheel are NASTY
I have a 1994 850 that the owner drove maybe 20miles a week on and he did whatever maintanence his mechanic suggested. I bought the car with about 193k( I think ) but it drove better than my accord that had half the mileage. That said, 30k later it started to nickel and dime me to death. It hasnt gotten better either. I would pass on the first one. Spending your spare time under the hood bc you have to gets old.
In reply to SlickDizzy:
This car seems to be right up your alley as a project. Check it:
In reply to PeterAK:
Oof! That's AWESOME, but I don't have the income to take something like that on right now...
If you have the money for repairing an AWD system and maybe a transmission too, because who knows how much longer those drivetrain systems will last. I would offer the seller $900.