While eating breakfast this morning, my son Patrick was very concerned about all of the wheels that "falled off" in the magazine.
This was a major point of discussion while eating oatmeal and he found somewhere between 20 and a million of them. I kind of tuned out at some point.
You're going to have to be more careful if you want to keep targeting that desirable two year old demographic.

1/13/18 9:56 a.m.
My two year old son loves "the cars book" as well. I think that Tire Rack ad is his favorite.
Cute kid!
Somewhere there’s a picture of Colin when he was 2 sitting on the can reading GRM. I anticipate this being in his $2027 challenge build book when he wins rookie of the year at his first challenge
Wasn't what I was expecting! That's downright adorable.
Very cool. Thanks for sharing, and we'll make sure that those wheels get fitted asap.
1/14/18 9:10 p.m.
You guys really don't cover the StanceNation thing, so I was curious where this topic was going.
Dang! My two year old doesn't possess that level of attention to detail OR that vocabulary but he absolutely will not take a poop without a Grassroots Motorsports Magazine (he does have his favorites, usually based on cover photos,, and I have to keep at least three in each bathroom)