Colin Wood
Colin Wood Associate Editor
10/1/24 11:26 a.m.

When is a Mazda 323 not a Mazda 323? When it’s built in Australia, its roof gets chopped off and then a Mercury badge is slapped on its hood. Then, in that case, you have yourself a third-generation Mercury Capri.

Sometimes called the “Australian Miata” (at least according to the listing), this Mercury Capri is the non-turbo model, though you …

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RadBarchetta Reader
10/1/24 12:55 p.m.

Calling this an Australian Miata is insulting to both Australians and Miatas.

Tom_Spangler (Forum Supporter)
Tom_Spangler (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
10/1/24 12:58 p.m.
RadBarchetta said:

Calling this an Australian Miata is insulting to both Australians and Miatas.

I remember when both cars came out, one of the auto mags said something like "Do you really think there are any Miata owners looking at the Capri and thinking 'I should have bought that instead'?" laugh

BlueInGreen - Jon
BlueInGreen - Jon UberDork
10/1/24 1:23 p.m.

Sure an NA/NB Miata will kick its butt in any kind of performance driving situation, but I think the turbo XR2 version is worth looking at if you just want something fun and cheap to drive around town. They are out there in decent shape, and they seem to really fly under the radar value-wise compared to some other stuff from that era.

bmw88rider GRM+ Memberand UberDork
10/1/24 1:29 p.m.

In reply to BlueInGreen - Jon :

If my requirements were cheap, convertible, and 2 seater....It's perfect. I mean I see them all of the time under 5K. Shoot there is a super clean one close to me for 6K with both tops and under 70K miles.  

Colin Wood
Colin Wood Associate Editor
10/1/24 1:56 p.m.

In reply to BlueInGreen - Jon :

The XR2 is definitely on my radar now after writing this item up.

RadBarchetta Reader
10/1/24 3:19 p.m.

In reply to BlueInGreen - Jon :

This one is not a turbo XR2, though.

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