...You got em! As mentioned in another thread, we're developing parts for 1st gen CRX's and 3rd gen Civics.
Trying to sell the hell out of some shirts & coozies to fund these efforts. Guaranteed to shave FULL seconds off your auto-x/drag times! Ladies will love you! Men will envy you! Your enemies will tremble in fear!
PS: A portion of every sale will go to fund Mike "Jensenman" (curmudgeon) Smith's daughter's college fund.

I don't see any with things lit on fire, disappoint.
Splain me the origin of the name.
I think the name is more a thing of myth and legend that started at a challenge several years ago.
I remember reading about it years ago but, you know, beer...
You used to have to get "jumped-in" for a shirt. Now you just have to bet up $14.99. The story? That'll cost ya way more.
1/16/16 6:59 p.m.
I heart my old skool Hong Norr shirt, but I'll totally order a new one too. It took a long time and many beers before I heard the story from Matt.
I think I'd buy a shirt that said "don't mess with Hong Norr-ish"
Mike, drop me a line about some 1g parts.
Keith Tanner wrote:
Mike, drop me a line about some 1g parts.
My PM email is fux0red. Email me at:
I want a shirt but your website makes me wonder if I need an internet condom for my cc...
talk dirty to me?
In reply to bludroptop:
Really? What's the issue? Interested in ANY feedback.
I thought it was a good site. Have I been violated and I didn't realize it? I hate it when that happens...

bludroptop wrote:
I want a shirt but your website makes me wonder if I need an internet condom for my cc...
talk dirty to me?
You need stickers. Chicks dig stickers.
Smarta$$ McPoopyPants wrote:
Really? What's the issue? Interested in ANY feedback.
No physical address
No phone number
No privacy policy
No security policy
Contact Us = "don't call us, we'll call you..."
I'm not saying your website/store isn't legit. I'm saying that as a reasonably cautious consumer I'm careful about sharing my credit card information on the web, and your site doesn't have many of the things I look for to establish legitimacy.
Cool shirts in any case.
Those AC/DC inspired shirts are the E36 M3!!!!!!
m4ff3w wrote:
Woody wrote:
Splain me the origin of the name.
I came to ask the same.
IIRC it's a name that was on the cheapest, sketchiest RC car parts that the Hongs could find.
GameboyRMH wrote:
m4ff3w wrote:
Woody wrote:
Splain me the origin of the name.
I came to ask the same.
IIRC it's a name that was on the cheapest, sketchiest RC car parts that the Hongs could find.
Thanks. Was always curious.
Of the choices, I like the Run DMC version.
I had really hoped for the more classic "round peg in square hole."
I'd feel more comfortable if I could hit a paypal button.
1/19/16 2:36 p.m.
That road course on the website wallpaper looks epic!
Which track is it?
I think hong norr was an rc car speed control maker.