So in the possible future I will be getting rid of the Si, as discussed in another thread, & since I am not commuting I have all kinds of ideas running through my head. One car that has come to mind that I have no knowledge on is the BMW Z3. Wouldn't even consider an auto or 1.9 car, I'm mainly interested in the 2.5, 2.8, & the M Roadster. I've been reading that plastic water pump impellers & rear shock mounts can be problematic, what other areas can be issues. Now I've also been seeing prices all across the board from 8K to 18K, mileage varies as well, I'd like to spend no more than 15K. I'll only be driving it less than 50 miles a week, probably won't see any track use.
So GRMers, if you've got knowledge on these cars, rants/raves, Miata comparisons (owned a 91), which engine is better, performance potential, etc.. let me hear your thoughts.