My neighbor is headed towards a divorce and needs lawyer money. He has decided to sell his '95 XR-250 but has no idea what FMV is. Frankly I don't either.
Any thoughts?
I see a '84 for sale by a dealership for $995, 2 2001's for $2100 and $2199, and an '06 for $4999. I'm thinking that hed get $1500-$2000 for a '95, though condition and mileage are rather important. I'd say that condition more so.
$1500-$2000 is too much.
I have to agree with suprf1y. Good bike, but it's 13 years old.
NADA is stupid low.>c=MC
Well used$1000---trailer/garage queen $2000. Great little bike btw.
Really. At that price I would have bought a box of band-aids, some ice packs and bought it myself.