The local dealer was running radio ads bragging about how they were now selling bikes at MSRP, unlike how they used to do it. They are only 3 years in business and a big corp. dealer, not a momma-poppa, which are about all gone.
How they used to do it is: Take a new bike, remove all the pieces, add on new chrome pieces with some type of theme (chevrons, lines this way, lines that way, flames, etc.), add on full MSRP of all the new pieces, add on $3-4K "labor" to put the new pieces on and that was the new price. Of course, they were not giving you the original pieces that left York, assembled by seeker589. If you wanted them, you could buy them at 1/2 MSRP. So, a $20K dresser was now listed at $30-40K, a $10K Sporty was $15K, and you weren't even getting all the original parts. They did that to every single bike on the floor. In 5 or 10 years, if you need a new left floorboard, good luck finding one with chevrons, flames, etc. that match the rest of your bike. You'll be screwed (again). Just walking across their showroom at their grand opening pissed me off. I wouldn't buy a so much as a spark plug from them for a year, but they are OK on parts and I do now when I need something that I don't want to wait for.
They were selling to new people that didn't know better. My friend bought two bikes that way without telling me he was even looking for a bike. He knows better now. They are hurting. People don't have that much money to thow around. The other day on Dave Ramsey's show, there were like 2-3 people calling in up to their eyeballs in debt and about to sink with Harleys bought on credit. One had two, his and her's, plus a boat, plus a truck to pull the boat, all bought on credit with zero down and upside down. Those are the ones that the dealer here used to target. That buyer isn't there anymore and the dealer is hurting, thus the "we'll sell at MSRP now, really, trust us" comercials.
On the flip side, it's a great time to buy a used bike. I see them in the paper really cheap. Harley's used to sell at MSRP basically from the time they left the floor on forever. Not anymore. I don't need another one. I have an Evo and my wife has an Evo Sportster that we bought new and they do everything I need them to.