foxtrapper wrote:
Anyhow, she thinks I should ride again! As in actively encourages it. Still should wait the full six months, and start with caution, but go out and enjoy it.
I can not like this enough. I am super glad to hear that you're getting a thumbs up to eventually get back on the horse.
I love it! Kudos to your team (medical/personal/familial)...
foxtrapper wrote:
Chuckle. Yea, I'm all better.
I just got lost at work!
Not badly, I was able to figure out how to get back to my desk and start over. Just made me late for a meeting.
Leave a trail of popcorn behind you
TRoglodyte wrote:
foxtrapper wrote:
Chuckle. Yea, I'm all better.
I just got lost at work!
Not badly, I was able to figure out how to get back to my desk and start over. Just made me late for a meeting.
Leave a trail of popcorn behind you
I'm just glad he's on the mend
pfft! I don't need a wreck to get lost at work. 
Good stuff man! Glad to hear you're up and at it!