In reply to Bobzilla:
I will put the sv650 at the top of the list as a benchmark. Is there a big difference between newer or older or different variations that I should look out for?
In reply to Huckleberry
Suzuki DRZ 400 added too it looks good on paper too. I am in the middle of the city not lots of sidewalks and parking lots
but not much off roading around.
In reply to ¯_(ツ)_/¯:
I get that the grom is way underpowered, but I always get hung up on motor/trans swaps. I have read/heard about older yamahas that were 6 speed 2 strokes... Someone tell me why this wouldn't work or it's a bad idea, so I can get the "what ifs" out of my head... I cant find quarter mile times for these bikes just that they were "quick between stop lights".
I came up with the quarter mile times just as a general peppyness. I don't want to worry about doing wheelies while learning how to shift 
In reply to bastomatic:
Thanks Suzuki GS450 also on my list
In reply to SEADave
I see what you mean about just about everything needing upgraded. I guess the "I could just buy a real bike" comes into play factoring grom prices and upgrades to what is in the used market. Thanks for the suggestions too I am going to take some time and read into all of these and compare with whats on the local market.
In reply to foxtrapper
Don't have one in mind yet, waiting on what some divorce lawyers have to say for the most part and I am not sure what I am looking for just yet. The sv650s don't look out of reach... at least for the time being
In reply to clutchsmoke
Thanks I will make sure to do some reading on both
In reply to 92dxman
I am in Akron OH, thanks for the tip but I am taking some time to read up and wait on lawyers and get a feel for general opinion. I have a tendency to jump in too quick on some good deals, so working on practicing restraint 
In reply to singleslammer + johnnie
Thanks guys I check into those too!
In reply to Ranger50 + WOW Really Paul?
I really like cheap parts and availability
those are both getting bumped up the list
In reply to Appleseed
Thanks for hunting those down. All look like good candidates but I dont' know what I am talking about either 
In reply to eastsidemav
Thanks I will check into them too. Maybe just jumping on something cheap and available will make the power goals irrelevant. That said I feel like a bike should be quicker than a car, or at least most cars. Being quicker than traffic in a small car has saved me countless wrecks in traffic. It just seems like it would go 10 fold on a bike.