I'm at a Crossroads. I'm 28 years old and have been street riding bikes since I was 16. I have loged nearly 150k miles in those years and had a blast. I've also been pulled out in front of, turned left in front of, and had more close calls (disregarding ones I've caused for myself) than I can count. I also have a 1 year old Daughter..
I enjoy riding, always have (except for a year or so after my dad was killed in an automobile accident (non-motorcycle)). I own a "fast" bike because when I bought 5 years ago I enjoyed riding fast, but the last 1500 miles I've barely had it over 5K rpm. I minimize MY risk as much as possible, and feel that I am an above average rider when it comes to analyzing the environment and prediciting what's going to happen. That said I can't get over feeling that riding is an unacceptably selfish risk that I take. I can't imagine that the sum total of all enjoyment I will have on the motorcycle would be worth not being able to walk my daughter down the aisle or even be there. I'm 100% aware that cars aren't necessarily safer than bikes (see my dad's accident above) but I KNOW that a "fender bender" on a bike is much more likely to end in bad things. My last bike is for sale and I already sold one of them off and I'm trying to not ride, but I still get the itch.
I'm not sure what I'm looking for here, but I figure some of you guys have been through the same thing.. I just feel like hanging it up sometimes, but I worry that that would be turning my back on something that is/was a big part of me. I try to tell my self I could just sunday ride but that doesn't really remove the risk. Strangely the same feelings have me not riding my Road Bicycle at all as I know that's even less safe that a MC.
How do you balance personal risk compared to family obligations. I have insurance and such so I know if something happens my family would be taken care of financially better than I could provide, however again, I've been on the other end of that and I'd give any amount of financial gain my family got back to have more time with my dad.
Just something I've been thinking about and I know we have a pretty good group here with lots of life experience.