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patgizz GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
6/13/12 8:47 p.m.

why do you think it is your harley given right to ride up the breakdown lane, dodging chunks of semi tires and rocks, while the rest of us sit in traffic only to have you expect one of us to let your dumb arse in when you come up on the construction sign and can't go any farther?

nocones GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
6/13/12 8:53 p.m.

Easy... Loud pipes save lives duh!

rotard Dork
6/13/12 9:35 p.m.

Hey car guy, why are you mad that you can't get away with that? I'd be doing it too; air/oil cooled motors can overheat easily if they're not moving.

Ranger50 SuperDork
6/14/12 7:37 a.m.
rotard wrote: Hey car guy, why are you mad that you can't get away with that? I'd be doing it too; air/oil cooled motors can overheat easily if they're not moving.

I don't want to get this too far off topic, but what gives an shiny happy person to do an shiny happy person thing a pass because he rides a E36 M3ty, still aircooled, and overpriced bike? It isn't like he can't shut it off and use his berkeleying thumb to get it refired, it isn't like he has to kickstart it like the old days. Or heaven forbid, actually get his lardass off his seat and PUSH it along? I'm just wondering.

Moparman HalfDork
6/14/12 8:06 a.m.

I ride an aircooled by (Suzuki GT380) and I do not feel I have the right to thwart laws, good safety practices and common etiquette because I CHOSE to ride an aircooled bike. Because of such situations and due to knucklehead drivers (of all types of vehicles) I try to keep my riding to back roads that are lighlty travelled.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker UltimaDork
6/14/12 8:12 a.m.

Hey car guy - suck it. If I sit in traffic too long in these designer logo'd leather chaps the heat from the motor makes my yambag sweat. They chaff my backside then it hurts to sit in my cushy dentist office all week.

Mind your own business.

JohnInKansas Reader
6/14/12 8:36 a.m.

Meanwhile, I'm probably on the same road as Moparman in my kick-start, aircooled, push-it-when-you-run-out-of-gas Honda.

This topic is beaten to death elsewhere (maybe here too, I dunno). Letting a motorcycle in line ahead of you isn't going to make you measurably later to your destination, probably won't make him all that much earlier to his, and might keep him from having major engine trouble. Obladee, obladah, life goes on.

4cylndrfury UltimaDork
6/14/12 8:45 a.m.

dickheads do how dickheads do

4cylndrfury UltimaDork
6/14/12 8:46 a.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: Hey car guy - suck it. If I sit in traffic too long in these designer logo'd leather chaps the heat from the motor makes my yambag sweat. They chaff my backside then it hurts to sit in my cushy dentist office all week. Mind your own business.


rotard Dork
6/14/12 8:48 a.m.

Those assless chaps will cause his sensitive region to burn if he sits still too long. Seriously, get with the program guys. In all honesty, though, lane-splitting is legal in some places.

dculberson Dork
6/14/12 8:51 a.m.

Meh, I figure he's putting himself at risk more than anyone else and he's not slowing traffic at all... so let him go and don't waste the energy worrying about it.

EvanB GRM+ Memberand UberDork
6/14/12 11:55 a.m.

I split lanes in traffic jams when I am on my bike.


Because I can.

4cylndrfury UltimaDork
6/14/12 1:07 p.m.
EvanB wrote: I split lanes in traffic jams when I am on my bike. Why? Because I can.

and its really awesome when your squidmove ends up turning you into a grease-spot when that semi truck changed lanes suddenly, further backing up traffic for the other 38,098 people on the road that afternoon that you thought you were more important than.

Cone_Junky Dork
6/14/12 1:35 p.m.

Splitting lanes and driving down the shoulder are completely different.

Splitting lanes = efficient/legal/risky

Driving down shoulder = d-bag/illegal/even more risky

rotard Dork
6/14/12 1:36 p.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
EvanB wrote: I split lanes in traffic jams when I am on my bike. Why? Because I can.
and its really awesome when your squidmove ends up turning you into a grease-spot when that semi truck changed lanes suddenly, further backing up traffic for the other 38,098 people on the road that afternoon that you thought you were more important than.

Get over yourself.

Moparman HalfDork
6/14/12 2:08 p.m.

In reply to EvanB:

I don't split lanes because the texters have made doing so more dangerous. Turning cars into multi-media salons have made the roads even more dangerous for riders.

Cotton Dork
6/14/12 3:07 p.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
EvanB wrote: I split lanes in traffic jams when I am on my bike. Why? Because I can.
and its really awesome when your squidmove ends up turning you into a grease-spot when that semi truck changed lanes suddenly, further backing up traffic for the other 38,098 people on the road that afternoon that you thought you were more important than.

do you know splitting lanes is legal in some states?

Cotton Dork
6/14/12 3:10 p.m.
Ranger50 wrote:
rotard wrote: Hey car guy, why are you mad that you can't get away with that? I'd be doing it too; air/oil cooled motors can overheat easily if they're not moving.
I don't want to get this too far off topic, but what gives an shiny happy person to do an shiny happy person thing a pass because he rides a E36 M3ty, still aircooled, and overpriced bike? It isn't like he can't shut it off and use his berkeleying thumb to get it refired, it isn't like he has to kickstart it like the old days. Or heaven forbid, actually get his lardass off his seat and PUSH it along? I'm just wondering.

seeing some of the BMW guys, on their aircooled bikes, in traffic made me appreciate the radiator and electric fan on my bikes (including the watercooled k1200s). I sit in traffic enough that I don't need a lump I have to keep shutting off and turning back on.

EvanB GRM+ Memberand UberDork
6/14/12 3:48 p.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
EvanB wrote: I split lanes in traffic jams when I am on my bike. Why? Because I can.
and its really awesome when your squidmove ends up turning you into a grease-spot when that semi truck changed lanes suddenly, further backing up traffic for the other 38,098 people on the road that afternoon that you thought you were more important than.

Notice I said traffic jams. How is a semi truck going to suddenly change lanes when traffic is standing still or barely moving?

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker UltimaDork
6/14/12 4:21 p.m.
Cotton wrote: do you know splitting lanes is legal in some states?

Legal or not - I do it when it makes sense. Like when traffic is mostly stopped. People get pissed when they are all sweltering in shore traffic for hours and I go by at 3mph on the shoulder but really - why should they care? They don't yell at pedestrians walking by. I didn't bring the land barge on purpose so I could dodge traffic. Why would I sit there suffering with them?

I also don't sit at red lights alone at night - I stop, look and run 'em. People get killed by drunks when sitting still at intersections. I'd rather flirt with the ticket. My goto excuse for this one (never actually been stopped) is that the light does not change for bikes. That is sometimes true, I notice this during the day when I do wait for them - but I'm not going to wait there in the dark to find out.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
6/14/12 4:39 p.m.

Lane splitting is not legal in SC. Even if it were, all it would take is one assclown opening their door in front of you, intentionally or otherwise, to sorta wreck your day. It happened to me once on a bicycle, good thing I have quick reflexes.

Last I heard, motorcycles and cars are subject to the same exact laws. GPS, by your definition if someone with one item jumps your line at Wally World when you are holding 30 or 40 you need to STFU. Zip your lip. Don't make a peep.

ransom GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/14/12 5:15 p.m.

In reply to Curmudgeon:

Maybe in SC motorcycles and cars have the same laws, but in California, and under consideration for Oregon, there are explicit differences. Among them is a provision for lane-splitting.

When traffic starts to move and the bike pulls back into a full lane, it puts the car behind them two seconds behind where they would otherwise be. When a bike pulls out into lane-splitting mode in a traffic jam, it may move the car behind it forward what might have been ten seconds or a minute's travel. It gets part of the blockage moved out of the blockage. I think that's rather different from jumping forward x spots in a one-lane line with a "blockage" (checker) who's going to individually stop each person.

Those are just observations, not an assertion that lane-splitting is awesome. My main takeaway is that even wheel-related and not particularly political topics have wildly differing viewpoints here at GRM.

For the record, I don't lane-split, and am not sure I would even if it becomes legal. I don't think cautious lane-splitting where there's room and traffic is really slow should bug cars. I don't think anybody, regardless of wheel count, should cruise up the shoulder. I've spent enough time on bicycles to be very wary of requiring anybody else's care and attention about stuff approaching from behind in order to stay safe.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker UltimaDork
6/14/12 5:40 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote: Lane splitting is not legal in SC. Even if it were, all it would take is one assclown opening their door in front of you, intentionally or otherwise, to sorta wreck your day. It happened to me once on a bicycle, good thing I have quick reflexes. Last I heard, motorcycles and cars are subject to the same exact laws. GPS, by your definition if someone with one item jumps your line at Wally World when you are holding 30 or 40 you need to STFU. Zip your lip. Don't make a peep.

At wally mart we are all waiting for the same register. I seriously doubt the unwashed masses are all going to my hotel room or house. They are just angry meatbags trapped in big metal hulks with their giant colas and crying children in a big hurry to get in front of each other. In twenty years of riding no one has ever opened the door. They don't even see a bike until it's gone by. Then the sour grapes hit because they can't do that and they can't follow.

minimac SuperDork
6/14/12 7:25 p.m.

Wow! This got entertaining!

Curmudgeon MegaDork
6/14/12 8:10 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Curmudgeon wrote: Lane splitting is not legal in SC. Even if it were, all it would take is one assclown opening their door in front of you, intentionally or otherwise, to sorta wreck your day. It happened to me once on a bicycle, good thing I have quick reflexes. Last I heard, motorcycles and cars are subject to the same exact laws. GPS, by your definition if someone with one item jumps your line at Wally World when you are holding 30 or 40 you need to STFU. Zip your lip. Don't make a peep.
At wally mart we are all waiting for the same register. I seriously doubt the unwashed masses are all going to my hotel room or house. They are just angry meatbags trapped in big metal hulks with their giant colas and crying children in a big hurry to get in front of each other. In twenty years of riding no one has ever opened the door. They don't even see a bike until it's gone by. Then the sour grapes hit because they can't do that and they can't follow.

Ah, but you are ALL waiting in the same traffic jam. You jumped the line, homey.

I bet if you had the bad luck to be stuck in traffic in your cage because some driver/texter got her cute little self turned into a ball of tin popcorn and then some clown in an SLK came cruising by in the breakdown lane because his 'spensive German pimpwagon would fit that would send you into a foaming at the mouth tailspin.

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