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JohnInKansas Reader
6/14/12 8:26 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote: ... if someone with one item jumps your line at Wally World when you are holding 30 or 40 you need to STFU. Zip your lip. Don't make a peep.

Maybe I'm the odd one out, but if I see somebody with one item roll up behind me in line, I invite them to go ahead. Some take the opportunity, some don't.

Their transaction isn't going to slow me down much in the grand scheme.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
6/15/12 6:36 a.m.

You know, I do too. The few minutes doesn't really matter to me. OTOH, if they force their way past now we have a problem. At that point it is not the time, it is the lack of respect. What the gang kids call dissin'. If someone did it to you, why you would be PO'ed too.

In fact, the Queen Dork recently mentioned something like that happening to her in a coffee shop; some broad busted the line, she says to her 'Hey, we are in line here' and the line jumper says 'I know, dear'.

4cylndrfury UltimaDork
6/15/12 7:12 a.m.

Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.

...and Im out

93EXCivic UltimaDork
6/15/12 8:20 a.m.

Man some of y'all take life way to seriously.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker UltimaDork
6/15/12 8:43 a.m.
Curmudgeon wrote: I bet if you had the bad luck to be stuck in traffic in your cage because some driver/texter got her cute little self turned into a ball of tin popcorn and then some clown in an SLK came cruising by in the breakdown lane because his 'spensive German pimpwagon would fit that would send you into a foaming at the mouth tailspin.

Oh I might, rabbit, I just might... but it would be for the same jealous, bitter thinking that fills the heads of all the other meatbags in their metal hulks. "I wish I could do that". Knowing full well I could have - I'd be thinking "Damn... I should have brought the bike".

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker UltimaDork
6/15/12 8:45 a.m.
JohnInKansas wrote: Maybe I'm the odd one out, but if I see somebody with one item roll up behind me in line, I invite them to go ahead. Some take the opportunity, some don't.

Huh. Maybe I'll give that a try. Cock-punching them and then slapping the item out of their hand has not been gaining me any good will, that is for sure.

fast_eddie_72 UltraDork
6/15/12 10:14 a.m.
Moparman wrote: In reply to EvanB: I don't split lanes because the texters have made doing so more dangerous. Turning cars into multi-media salons have made the roads even more dangerous for riders.

Maybe we could make pipes that flare into a horn to make them even louder.

PHeller SuperDork
6/15/12 1:33 p.m.

Lane splitting, berm running, thats all bad.

But what about the guy on the dual sport who just rides down the grassy median? (or turns around and goes back the last exit?)

patgizz GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
6/15/12 8:02 p.m.
PHeller wrote: Lane splitting, berm running, thats all bad. But what about the guy on the dual sport who just ride down the grassy median?

saw a semi do that today because he failed to see the miles of "no trucks across the falling apart scary bridge into downtown cleveland that we're rebuilding someday" signs for miles. it was quite interesting.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
6/15/12 8:22 p.m.
PHeller wrote: Lane splitting, berm running, thats all bad. But what about the guy on the dual sport who just ride down the grassy median? (or turn around and go back the last exit?)

The Trooper has 4 wheel drive. The exess six-fiddy is not really dirtworthy but could do some in a pinch. I have a rather fair amount of experience off roading.

So I can't say the thought has not crossed my mind. Check GPS, see parallel road ~1/4 mile THATAWAY, yank lever...

skierd Dork
6/19/12 8:10 p.m.

I tend not to ride down the shoulder since so many cars try to do the same thing, or suddenly get the idea and like to jump out of the lane into the shoulder without looking signalling etc.

I can, will, and do lane split without hesitation if the situation presents itself. I've also been known to jump curbs and ride down the sidewalk a short while instead of waiting for traffic if the place I'm heading to is right there or it keeps me moving. Have no problem passing multiple cars on the right to get to the right turn lane if I have to turn right, nor to filter to the front of the line if the spot is clear at the light to give myself some breathing room in traffic. Have ridden across the shoulder grass to get to a parallel road, haven't ridden down the median though I have used the median for u-turns. Motards gonna motard...

Teh E36 M3
Teh E36 M3 Dork
7/15/12 2:43 p.m.

My next motorcycle will be a curb jumper. I love the idea. I think some of the sour grapes stem from the "its not that I have it so bad, but that you have it so good" competitive mentality. When I get angry is when people even think/mention harm to the motorcyclist as an equalizing measure. No one has done it here, thankfully.
Oh, and the "Harley" haterade has definitely, definitely passed it's prime. If a dick happens to be riding a Harley, hate the dick, not the bike. HD makes what they make.

bravenrace PowerDork
7/16/12 6:07 a.m.

I think it's important in situations like this to ask - "What effect does this have on me?". In the case of a bike riding down the shoulder, very little, so it doesn't bother me. On the other hand, I was once driving down the freeway in the center lane and a dickweed on a sport bike split the lane between my car (with my family in it) and the car next to us, passing us on just his back wheel. Now that could potentially have had a big effect on me, if he lost it or if one of us didn't see him, and we all wrecked. That's worth getting upset about, but a guy riding down the shoulder, not really bothering me at all? Naw.

Moparman HalfDork
7/16/12 10:05 a.m.

In reply to Teh E36 M3:

I agree with you. I am not a cruiser guy, but any bike is better than no bike and people like what they like. I do have a problem with some Harly riders. It is custom for motorcyclists to acknowledge one another when passing each other on the road, usually with a quick wave. Most Harly riders (and many touring bike riders) will not return my wave, I have observed them waving to riders ahead of me (not in a group or anything), but when they pass me on my GT380 they look away. Stupid is as stupid does.

pinchvalve GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
7/16/12 10:21 a.m.

My bike is air cooled and I would never pull that crap. I hate when bicyclist do it. If you are ON the road and USING the road then you follow the RULES of the road. Period.

mpolans Reader
7/16/12 10:53 a.m.

Wow, some real shiny happy person views on here. Folks that are that jealous of lane splitters should just go ahead and get a bike if their panties are that much in a bunch. I don't agree with lane splitting at high speeds, while wheelie-ing, etc, but if traffic is crawling and/or stopped, I don't see a problem with bikes lane splitting at a reasonable speed (probably less than 15mph difference than slower traffic). It's amazing how much some worry about the actions of others that don't affect them.

One of the biggest differences I've noticed between riding in the U.S. and here in Japan was driver attitudes. In the U.S., I've literally had people in cars intentionally run me off the road and try to swerve into me because they felt like they should stop me from getting in front of them. Here in Japan, it's the exact opposite...I've had folks in stopped traffic pull slightly to the side and/or fold in their mirrors to let me go by.

wlkelley3 Dork
7/16/12 11:29 a.m.

I'm with mpolans on this. Lane splitting at a reasonable speed, in other words not so fast that you startle the car driver and have enough time to anticipate what car driver might do. Lane splitting doesn't happen here much, not sure if it's against the law here or not. Recently spent some time in CA and lane splitting was rampant there. Didn't mind the ones going a little faster than me but the high speed ones bothered me. Didn't see them coming. Go slow enough that I can see you coming.

Appleseed PowerDork
7/16/12 12:03 p.m.

I think we can all agree that bikes with a lot of speed or a lot of chrome tend to attract the vast majority of jag-bag riders.

4cylndrfury UltimaDork
7/16/12 1:12 p.m.
pinchvalve wrote: If you are ON the road and USING the road then you follow the RULES of the road. Period.


Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker UltimaDork
7/16/12 1:17 p.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
pinchvalve wrote: If you are ON the road and USING the road then you follow the RULES of the road. Period.

OK then you two tool bags won't mind if I ride my bicycle down the middle of the lane and not let you pass to get where you are going more quickly then, right?

4cylndrfury UltimaDork
7/16/12 1:22 p.m.

Of course I would mind, but I would keep it to myself because youre not breaking any law - its just inconvenient to me. Theres a pretty clear difference between inconvenient and illegal.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker UltimaDork
7/16/12 1:32 p.m.

In reply to 4cylndrfury:

I wouldn't actually do that though because that would be perfectly legal but arrogant as berkeley whereas me proceeding thru traffic when most other vehicles cannot is illegal but does not affect anyone else negatively.

I am an traffic outlaw (scofflaw in some dialects) but I am polite about it.

Sorry about that toolbag comment. I forgot the

stuart in mn
stuart in mn UberDork
7/16/12 2:02 p.m.

I can't vouch for its accuracy but the wiki page on this subject says that lane splitting in California is not illegal, but not exactly legal either - it falls in a grey area where the law enforcement lets it go as long as the person doing it isn't being reckless: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lane_splitting It also says it is illegal in the other 49 states.

PHeller SuperDork
7/17/12 10:32 a.m.

So last 4th of July my girlfriend and I were riding home from the fireworks in a very crowded, heavily trafficked area. It was bumper to bumper in every direction, and so I was happy to be on my bicycle (we have a bicycle path to our house).

Well I'm riding in a bicycle lane (on the road) and I've got traffic backed up on my left when Mr. Douchenozzle on his Harley comes up behind me...in the bicycle lane, revving his engine and attempting to run me off the road.

I stand my ground until he gets BARELY enough room to squeeze by me on the right, and I see beer pouring out of his saddle bag as the Made-In-USA torque upsets his open container.

Well, at this point I'm a bit pissed, and when the opportunity presents itself, I jump for it. He gets stuck behind someone trying to turn (from the bicycle lane) and I'll be damned if I didn't blow by him, full speed, within inches of his mirror.

He tried catching up...but didn't stand a chance.

Otto Maddox
Otto Maddox SuperDork
7/17/12 1:45 p.m.

I've tried to get past my HD anger issues, but with my house backing up to the country road to Barber Motorsports and Museum, the noise those douche-shooters makes is irritating, basically the sound of a badly engineered engine trying to tear itself apart.

I usually spot at least one beautiful old classic British bike on the way home. That kind of makes up for the Harleys.

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