Ok, first a little background:
For years, there were dirtbike trails across the street from our cabin. We used to just cross the street on our dirtbikes, and ride. In the past year, though, they have closedall the trails. The nearest trailhead is now 10 miles away, so we have to trailer the bikes. But, we each have dualsports. I turn 16 soon, and we figured we could just ride to the trails.
So, I need a motorcycle endorsement so we can ride to the trails again. And I don't have a clue how to get one. Do I take a separate class? Can I do it online like my permit?
New Reader
11/17/09 5:12 p.m.
Tom Heath
Marketing / Club Coordinator
11/17/09 6:33 p.m.
You can borrow mine, I don't use it much anymore. Of course, that will change once my young 'uns grow up a bit more.
Does the last name have to match, too?
Here in PA, you get your permit by going to the DMV, taking a motorcycle test and paying a few buck, and you are legal to ride for a year. You can then take the MSF course for free, and when you complete the class you get your license. You also get a little break on your insurance. My course was two weeks in a row; Thursday night in the classroom for two hours and Saturday on the bikes for the morning. You should consider the MSF a requirement, even if you have to pay for it.
In Maryland it looks like you can take the basic rider course (MSF?) where upon successful completion you are given your full moto lisence.
looks like a nice deal for $265 with them providing the bikes.
Yea, that seems to be the case in FL, too. Will I have to know anything special? I have a lot of experience in dirt, but none on the road.
looks like here is what your looking for Tommy
Starting July 1 2008, new motorcyclists must take and pass the Basic Rider Course through the Florida Rider Trainer Program before they can have the motorcycle endorsement added to their license, per Section 322.12(5)(a)., Florida Statutes.
After July 1 of 2008, everyone will have to take the class and pass the test, no matter their age. Future motorcyclists will be able to find a Basic Rider Course sponsor or teacher on our website. Upon successful completion, the sponsor will submit the pass results electronically to the department records. Upon receiving the results, the applicant will be processed for a motorcycle endorsement.
looks like, take the course, pass, get endorsement, profit? I think I forgot something about collecting underpants in there...
You take the MSF course, and then take the completion card to the DMV. Hand over the cash, check "yes" for organ donor, and ride off with your shiny new license.
11/22/09 11:55 p.m.
trust me this will save your life:
it will also get you ready for the motorcycle endorsement test
i guess it depends on your state how hard the test is. When I took my in Chicago years ago it was pretty intense. There was an obstacle course that you could not dab you feet down more than once I think. Any more than that and you fail
the dumb thing is that I took the MSF course after my license test. It would have been a lot easier the other way around, but think the course started later in the month
Tommy Suddard wrote:
Ok, first a little background:
For years, there were dirtbike trails across the street from our cabin. We used to just cross the street on our dirtbikes, and ride.
Just crossing the street with an unregistered, uninsured dirt bike is the same as driving said vehicle on the highway?
If a cop stops you on the road (not likely) would your new MC license and /or car license be in trouble?
At 15 I was stopped driving a "field car" from one field to another. Cop said $1500 in fines and a year in jail. Mom came and beat the crap outta me in the back of the cop car, he let me go.
You have to know all the stuff you have to know about driving a car (what that red octagonal sign means, what a yellow light means, drive right and pass left...) PLUS extra stuff about operating a motorcycle (how to cross wet railroad tracks, where to ride in a lane and when, how to yield to everyone all the time...) Pretty simple stuff, but you need to read and study the motorcycle manual.
Once you pass the test, WE will teach you how to drag a knee, how to pick up girls on a sportbike, how to shift a 'Busa at 160+...
(kidding Mom!)
In New York, you are REQUIRED to take a class and all of the classes (even the MSF which is free in PA) cost $300.00. For me, it's a conundrum. I can't afford to take the class because my insurance is $240.00 a month (WHY!?!?!?), but the class will give me a huge break on my insurance, allow me to get my license (another break), and will free me from having to ride with a group in daytime only. The nice thing about the New York course is that they teach you how to drag a knee, pick up girls on a sportbike, how to WHEELIE a 'Busa at 160+ and so on. 
Good luck. Take the course even if it isn't required. Have fun!
914Driver wrote:
Tommy Suddard wrote:
Ok, first a little background:
For years, there were dirtbike trails across the street from our cabin. We used to just cross the street on our dirtbikes, and ride.
Just crossing the street with an unregistered, uninsured dirt bike is the same as driving said vehicle on the highway?
If a cop stops you on the road (not likely) would your new MC license and /or car license be in trouble?
At 15 I was stopped driving a "field car" from one field to another. Cop said $1500 in fines and a year in jail. Mom came and beat the crap outta me in the back of the cop car, he let me go.
I think you misunderstood my first post. Our neighborhood was literally across the street from the trail, so we just had to cross. We even asked the cops (there are only about 5 in the town, IIRC) and they said we could do whatever we want, that they weren't worried about locals. Also, in FL dirt bikes have registration stickers, and we had insurance. They just aren't street legal.
Now, they moved the trail, so I need a proper license to actually ride on the road. Also, we now have dualsports, which are actually street legal, so getting stopped wouldn't make me lose my license.
11/26/09 2:26 p.m.
All of your are looking to become part of a patio remodel.
But add me to the chorus of MSF
11/27/09 2:30 a.m.
Mental wrote:
All of your are looking to become part of a patio remodel.
But add me to the chorus of MSF
MSF +1
Ridden for 25 years. When I was 25(16 years riding) , I had only a permit and ridden on the street with dual sports. bought my first Rice rocket and crashed it 8 hours later due to fatigue and being stupid. The course would have helped me be better prepared for the street.
Ridden for 25 years. When I was 25(16 years riding) , I had only a permit and ridden on the street with dual sports. bought my first Rice rocket and crashed it 8 hours later due to fatigue and being stupid. The course would have helped me be better prepared for the street.
Hah, I dropped my first bike on the way home from buying it. Of course this was before the days of MSF. I never took it and have the scars to prove it. Take the damn course, The $$ come out ahead compared to doctorb bills.
Visit the link given below:
hope this helps you..
Yes, yes, I fully plan on taking the course, I would take it even if it wasn't a requirement. And the Bezerkley has scared me for life, I never want a sport bike.
Most sport bikes aren't nearlyh as scary as the Bezerkley, if what Tom Heath tells me is true.
11/30/09 10:47 p.m.
Does the Bezerkley high-side or low-side? Does it have 4 inches of contact patch. Can it do 0-60 in 2 seconds?
If so then I could see why it is scary
mistanfo wrote:
Most sport bikes aren't nearlyh as scary as the Bezerkley, if what Tom Heath tells me is true.
+gazillion on take the MSF BSC.
Wear your gear, ride like everyone is trying to kill you, and don't do anything stupid and you'll probably do alright. Dual sports rock!
skierd wrote:
Wear your gear, ride like everyone is trying to kill you, and don't do anything stupid and you'll probably do alright.
Very true words.... don't forget, people will look right at you and pull out.