8/16/10 10:25 a.m.
After a 1.5 year layoff riding dirt I'm getting back into street riding. I'm keeping the dirtbikes too, but I miss the street, so here goes. I'm looking at 05+ BMW k1200s and 01+ Honda VFR 800s.
I really enjoy my car projects, but HATE bike projects, so am looking for lowish miles (under 30k), records, excellent condition, and accessories like hard bags are a big plus.
On paper the k bike whips up on the Honda in most categories. Over 50 more HP, Electronic Suspension Adjustment, shaft drive. I've sat on both and the BMW feels more comfortable. We will be doing a lot of two up riding, so passenger comfort is important. My last bike was a 98 YZF 600 which was great for one person, but lacking for two up riding. After 8 years and 50k miles I was pretty tired of it.
The k bike will cost me 2k-3k more over the VFR for similar condition and options, but I'm leaning heavily towards it regardless. Seems like it's worth the extra $$. I'm posting here to see if anyone has experience with both bikes and can possibly point out anything I'm missing.
Examples of bikes I'm looking at:
this VFR has everything I need accesory wise and is a good price:
I was bidding on this BMW and it didn't meet reserve. I'd need to buy a set of hard bags for it.
I say VFR, but that's just caus' I'm a sucker for the single sided swing arm.
8/16/10 2:22 p.m.
BTW the k1200 also has a singled sided swingarm.. I'm a sucker for them also.
I like BMW bikes (I've had a bunch of them, still have a R100RS), so keep that in mind.
One of the issues with newer BMWs is that you'll need access to the diagnostics or a mechanic who has that. At least in Europe, BMW doesn't have to give independents access to those, so good, cheaper independent mechanics are hard to find. And BMW shop prices are a bit Aargh.
That said, if you do buy any modern BMW bike, I'd make sure that I get one with ABS.
8/16/10 4:12 p.m.
I found a killer deal on a 2005 k1200s in Fort Worth. I'm checking to see if the seller will be okay with taking it to the dealer for a PPI. If he is fine with it, and the PPI comes out okay, I'll probably fly to TX and ride it home.
In reply to Cotton:
If you come down here PM me I live just north of DFW airport. That way you don't need to rent and taxis are expensive.
8/16/10 4:28 p.m.
In reply to Kia_racer:
Awesome, thanks a lot! I hope to work a deal on it this week if he is good with having it inspected, so we'll see.
For passenger comfort, Beemer all the way.
K bike. Resale, build quality, comfort, aftermarket; and at Christmas parties you can say "BMW". 
8/18/10 1:09 p.m.
I'm getting a ppi on the k1200s in Dallas today. If all goes well I'll start looking at flights. Passenger comfort is a big plus here. I will probably go with a corbin seat so the wife can have a backrest....unless BMW offers one. If they do I haven't seen it.
The Bmw will be more comfortable. The Honda will be more sporting.
I say if you're not "sport touring", aka tearing all over and back, you'll want the BMW. Resale will be better for the BMW as well as long as you maintain it and keep records of said maintenance.
Instead of Corbin, look at a GIVI trunk box. When she's with you it's a back rest that holds two helmets. When you want to terrorize mountain passes alone things are more aerodynamic.
What bike are you looking at? RT, RS, GT?
8/19/10 7:35 a.m.
In reply to 914Driver:
Great Idea. I almost passed out when I saw the price of the Corbin....I've paid less for cars.
Looking at the k1200s. Like this one but solid blue and a much better price.
I don't know what your budget is, but poke around here for some guidance on fair market value. This site also has a good tech question dept.
Cotton wrote:
I'm getting a ppi on the k1200s in Dallas today. If all goes well I'll start looking at flights. Passenger comfort is a big plus here. I will probably go with a corbin seat so the wife can have a backrest....unless BMW offers one. If they do I haven't seen it.
What happened with the ppi? Will you be coming or should I make other plans?
8/20/10 10:05 a.m.
I'm still waiting, but am about the throw in the towel. He has been saying he'd get it for the last 3 days. Wednesday the excuse was rain, yesterday he got busy, and today he was supposed to be there at 9 and I haven't heard a word. My plan was to fly up Sunday and ride home, but I'm not booking a ticket without a ppi on a bike I have to ride 660 miles on to get home.
Go ahead and make other plans man, but I want you to know I REALLY appreciate the offer. This board is awesome with the way members are always willing to help others.
I found another k1200s in Daytona, FL and I think I'm going to call and try and work a deal on it.
Cool, Let me know if things change.
8/23/10 10:31 a.m.
I ended up buying the 05 k1200s in TX. Dude ended up coming through on the PPI at the last minute....they found a few issues, but nothing that would make me walk away. I left home at 5AM yesterday morning, hopped a one way non stop flight to dfw, met the owner and his gf at a burger king near the airport, and wrapped up the deal. Kia_Racer I almost tried to contact you, but seeing as this kind of all happened at the last minute I didn't want to bother you. Again, appreciate your offer though.
I left BK at 10:40AM and rolled into my driveway at 9:51PM some 660 plus miles later. I'm tired and sore, but the bike did great and didn't give me a bit of trouble. I'm going to start saving for a corbin seat though....the stocker just isn't going to cut it for me on anything over 100 miles.
Man am I sore, but I'm happy with the bike. I'm going to need new tires soon though......they are pretty square after all that interstate riding.
Pics to follow soon. I was going to take some during the trip, but the battery on the camera was dead.
Pictures are in the pipeline, yes?
8/24/10 8:59 a.m.
yep. I plan to take some tonight. got busy last night working on something else and didn't get a chance.
Cotton, I used to own and love a VFR... I rode it some 30k miles but sold it a few years ago. I have also had the bug for another street bike and also had only a VFR as my options... but the BMW bikes are a match on paper for my older, wiser, less likely to drag a knee these days kinda thinking.
After you have lived with it for a few 1000 miles please post up your experience as I'm waiting until the end of the season (up North...) to snag the best price on a 2 wheel ride. A 20 minute test drive at the local dealer on a used '08 R 1200 GS made my interest go waaay up but I do not have access to a friend with a BMW cycle that I can put real miles on or talk to about operating cost.
Sorry we didn't meet Cotton. Glad you got the bike and made it home safe. I will wait for the pics of the bike.
IME the seats on the newer BMWs aren't that good for long distance riding so I ended up buying Corbins for most of the ones I had. Makes a massive difference. Oh, and congrats to the purchase!
8/25/10 11:08 a.m.
yeah boxhead.....the seat on my old Yamaha was more comfortable. The corbin is the way to go for sure. As soon as I get the bike sorted (needs brakes, tires, muffler, and a few other things) I plan to get a corbin with backrest. The price is hard to swallow, but it does seem to be the best option.
BTW I think you gave me the tip to go to the Ace Cafe when we went to London. We did go and had a blast. Going to the Ace and hanging out is want put my bike hunt in overdrive.
Bike pics to follow in the next couple of days. I'm waiting for my used Leo Vince slip on to arrive tomorrow. The stock pipe has a catalytic converter built in that was all but destroyed somehow and really sapping power. This was not uncovered during the PPI at BMW Motorcycles of Fort Worth, but the PO did indicate to me there was a problem with the converter. Anyway it is a used bike, so it will take me a little time to get it where I want it to be, but so far I'm happy.
GPS I looked long and hard at the VFR 800 and was close to pulling the trigger on one, but the BMW seemed to be the better bike (for me) in the end. I did not even look at the new VFR1200 because I hated the's not as ugly as the DN-01, but it is still pretty ugly. I put 50k on my incredibly reliable Yamaha, so I hope I have similar results with the BMW......we will see. I will update you in a few k miles.
9/1/10 9:42 a.m.
Finally got pictures, but all the image hosting sites are blocked at work. Will try uploading from home.
Quick update on the bike. The stock slip on was toast, words don't begin to describe how completely destoyed it was on the inside causing a huge restriction in airflow. I found a used Leo Vince slip on and installed it, so now the bike runs as it should.
The tires are flat in the middle....they were when I took delivery and the 660 miles of interstate riding home only made it worse, so I'm ordering a fresh set of Michelin PR2s today. All in all I'm very happy with the bike and, for me, I think it was the right pick over the VFR.
Also a brand new Shoei RF1000 helmet came with the bike. My HJC has been a great helmet, but after several years and many miles of wear it was time for a new one, so this was a big plus for me.