A couple people asked about updates on real-world ownership of a Guzzi in my "what bike" thread so I will chronicle it here.
Just got the bike home, had a nice ride on the way back.
First impressions:
It isn't really fast, maybe about the same or a bit more than my SV650.
It makes some b-e-a-u-tiful sounds, especially in the upper revs.
The riding position is pretty comfortable but my wrists need to get used to riding again.
Things to fix:
The neutral light never goes off, it threw me off the fist time I took off.
The tachometer is intermittent, it only works after about 4-5 minutes of riding. From what I have read it is a common problem, the connections inside get vibrated loose over time.
I will probably disable the sidestand safety switch, it won't allow the bike to run in neutral with the sidestand down. It isn't a huge deal but I like to start the bike and give it a few seconds to warm up as I put on my gear.
Overall I love it, I'm sure as I get a chance to flog it on some back roads it will be even better.
It was bought new by the previous owner. He always had it serviced at the dealer and kept great care of it. He passed away this winter and his wife was selling off his three bikes.
Here are a couple pictures I took when I got it home.

Italians do make great noises.
Enjoy many happy miles
Also, I really need to get rid of that rear fender. I will probably make a bracket for the tail light and license plate.
Poor quality sound clip:
That is such a pretty bike. Color me jealous.
It clashes with your Miata. Get the Guzzi color code and paint your Miata to match. It's the only way.
After riding to work for a couple days some of the problems have worked themselves out. It seems like the bike just wanted to be ridden a bit.
The tachometer now works most of the time. It doesn't do anything at start-up but when I start to move it kicks on.
I now starts fine in neutral on the sidestand. The neutral light is still always on so I need to take out the switch and clean or replace it.
Figured I might update this thread.
I have about 26k miles on it now, I know I need to ride it more.
The headlight started cutting out as well as the fuel pump at times. I replaced the factory relays and everything cleared up.
I had some issues with vapor lock the other week when it was 100+ degrees out. If I stopped for a couple of minutes the heat from the cylinders would cook the fuel in the pump (right between the cylinders) and it wouldn't start. I figured out that with enough cycles of the fuel pump it would start right up.
Other than that it has been great. I may put some more upright handlebars on it to get rid of the clip-ons, on a 350 mile trip my throttle hand was getting a bit numb toward the end.

7/18/12 6:27 a.m.
"■The neutral light never goes off, it threw me off the fist time I took off. "
Seems common on Italian bikes....
Yea, it usually works normal now but every once and awhile it will stay on no matter what.
Still sounds like Love. Great to hear it's still reliable at 26k!
Careful with disabling that safety switch. A buddy off mine got fubar'd taking off with the stand down.
I never got around to disabling it. It started working on it's own...like most other things on the bike. 
Well I've been thinking about it for awhile and it is time to sell the Guzzi. I'm wanting something more along the lines of a dual sport and I could definitely stand to free up some cash by getting something cheaper.
If anyone is interested in buying let me know, it still runs and rides great.
Shameless self promotion:

Trade for an '07 KLR650? (How tall are you? 6' is about minimum for comfy KLR riding)
5'8", No trades though, I need some cash for a new awesome car.
Oh man I'm in the market for one of these right now I wish you were closer than Cleveland.
Unfortunately ticket $$ would take it out of my price range haha
Last spring I bought a Ducati from Charlotte, NC and shipped it to Cleveland, Ohio using Uship.com. Cost $400-ish, and that included a huge box of spare parts. It was sent in a large enclosed trailer that was set up to haul motorcycles and they delivered to my house before work (told them I needed it between 6:30 and 7:30 am). I couldn't have been happier with the service (or bike).
If interested, I can try to track down the shippers name.
Wow that's really good thanks for the info, I wound up happening upon a killer deal on a local bike but Ill keep that in mind for down the road
In reply to EvanB:
Ad's gone? What were you asking?