So a good friends of mine was riding to his parents on this Grom and got tboned by a deer on the way. It did kill the deer.
Half mile trip turned sideways. He sold it for medical bills, and said he is done street riding for a while.
mnnthbx fender eliminator
Mivv pipe
Dhm high compression stock bore piston, dhm tune (less than 100 miles on it)
Knn air filter
Ebc pads
Pro taper klx110 bars
Had tst low pro turn signals and bar end mirrors that are no more.
Photo of it coming home.

Planning to strip it down and make a grom-streetfighter? Or going to try to try to fix it all up?
10/19/22 8:47 a.m.
That's the reason I won't ride to work. My entire 40 minute drive is country roads and I see so much wildlife it's not funny
Start of fixing.
Headlight scabbed back together while I wait for my new one. 
Fender is "back together" for now. Got a green one that's less broken ima use till it gets sold. Then probably put on a new one. Fun fact, OG front fenders are almost double the cost of SF.

Oh deer, 't is the season by the looks of it for GRMers and GRM-adjacent people getting taken out by deer. Hope your friend is healing well.
What's the plan for the Grom? Put it back together stock?
In reply to the_machina :
Was planning on doing the street fighter thing but since I'm not keeping it for ever probably doing a OEM plus kinda thing.
Peabody said:
That's the reason I won't ride to work. My entire 40 minute drive is country roads and I see so much wildlife it's not funny
The worst part is me and him had this talk shortly before the accident.
BoxheadTim said:
Oh deer, 't is the season by the looks of it for GRMers and GRM-adjacent people getting taken out by deer. Hope your friend is healing well.
What's the plan for the Grom? Put it back together stock?
Ya it seems like the year of deer incidents. He is doing 10,000 times better than day one.
Probably doing the OEM+ route, I plan on doing some mini moto track days and some ice racing with it and a couple of other Grom buddies and me are planning a road trip on them.
New klx 110 bara. 
Fresh grips from stash, mirror and levers.

Time to upgrade the leaking shock. Preload and dampening adjustable yss. 

No current thoughts as I have only ridden it to work and back once and around the yard. But it already is better.

So the deer T-boned him and not the other way around? Because that sounds even worse.
In reply to GCrites80s :
That is correct. He got t-boned by the deer.
Zeta magnetic drain plug and shifter to brace
extra long shifter for my big feet
Pile of parts to hopefully make it's a little better.
Sweet box from Thailand. 
Plus a run to local dealer.

I don't love the headlight, but saved me $250 almost.

Non bent rear seat install

Took it for it's first real ride today. The 7 year old tires on it are quite scary and need to come off asap.
Sorry to hear about your buddy but seems like you might have gotten a good deal on it.
I've never owned one but I hear they are a blast!
Have fun!!
In reply to CarKid1989 :
I paied basically retail on it, but not gonna hagle with a banged up friend.
If your ever in the Central Ohio area come ride one of ours. They are a blast.
Spent a few hours on the Dyno with a dhm auto cal ecu setup that came on the bike. Picked up almost a half HP changing out a slip on with a stock catted front pipe for a cheap aftermarket pipe.
Didn't get any photos because my phone died but will be going back with a stock ecu to tune because there is a ton of power left on the table.

Mounted up some tires for some winter fun. Gonna swap pipe out, this one is beyond loud.

Race tech valves should be here this week, used wheels should be here this week also for these bad boys.

damn dude, that's gotta be the cleanest XJ in Ohio.
In reply to AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) :
Waited years for the perfect deal.
Has some dents and scapes and needs a fender flair painted and some other odds and ends but it's clean. I'm super happy with it.

Washed and dropped off Grom to the suspension guy to let him have his way with it.