Raced the WA State Flat Track Championship at Castle Rock last Saturday. Ended up 4th in my class, even though they let water cooled, power valved, mono-shock bikes run in the vintage class. Calling it a solid effort for a my first race at that track and on mostly untested equipment.

Finally put a new rear tire on the ol TW200. I think the original 1987 tire was still on there. Carb started giving me issues, again. Cleaned it, still problematic. Ordered a Chinese CV clone carb, waiting on a different sized carb to intake boot connector to finish it up.

In reply to fatallightning :
I REALLY like that
Did some gravel/dirt roads today.

Went for a little ride yesterday as well. I love this place. Trailhead is 25 minutes from my house, so it's further away than my usual riding spot. Worth it. The area is huge, I put in 10 miles and didn't even get more than a quarter of the way in.
Note the twin lights on the bike, I'm getting ready for some night riding in the upcoming months.

Well, drinking and driving your work truck can really screw a guy on a motorcycle up. My everything hurts
Ouch! Hope your everything heals up ok? Good gear on, I assume?
Nothing broken (on you, at least) I hope?
In reply to 03Panther :
I got almost 60 stitches in my leg but I had all my gear on. So I'm hurting everywhere because slammed the back of a utility body at nearly 50mph
In reply to Justjim75 :
Wow, that's a hard impact. Glad that most of your insides didn't come out, and you are well enough to tell us about it. That's going to hurt for a while. I hope you heal well and get adequate compensation.
In reply to Justjim75 :
Dang man, I wish you the best possible outcome.

A work trip took me up to North Carolina where I got to ride a bit in the colors.
Yamaha XT 225 with Clarke Tank and Seat Concepts seat now installed.

Anybody want to see my leg before the 60 or so stitches? Lol, still feel like I fell down a cliff but healing slowly but surely I think
Out enjoying a beautiful fall day. 
I'm now a 2 Triumph garage

RichardNZ said:

I've never seen a yellow TY
Ours were red and white like the MX'ers of the era. The best looking Yamahas, IMO
I think I might have a problem!

bgkast said:
I think I might have a problem!

So, when exactly are we we meeting up to go dodge trees?
In reply to bgkast :
Ah yes...I am familiar with that problem. Running low on room for collecting more motorcycles can be a difficult one to face! 
In reply to Ethnic Food-Wrap Aficionado :
As soon as I get a get a kickstand and shake it down!
In reply to bgkast :
The good thing about woods riding is there's always a tree to lean the bike up against.