Just some semi-silly thinking.
I hardly ever ride my old Honda XL500s. There's just really no where around here to use a bike like this. All the parks are closed to two wheel riding.
But then a dangerous and strange thought occurred to me while crusing around on Craigslist. I could sell it and get enough money for it to buy a used mid-sized maxi scooter. Which I might actually ride and enjoy more.
God I must be getting old if I'm finding the notion of a scooter interesting!
Of course the Harley wouldn't go away. But for bopping into town and other silly things, a scooter might be easier.
2/19/16 8:01 a.m.
Have you seen what they do to Honda Ruckus?
Nothing wrong with a scooter, they're hard to beat for running around town.
The Ruckus does nothing for me. Between the two, I'd far and away keep the XL500.
But, the maxi scooters, they do seem comfortable and perfectly capable of carrying groceries and going on fun rides.
For what I can sell the XL500 for I've found a few Honda 250 Reflexes and Helixs, and one Silverwing. For a few dollars more, I even found a Kymco Downtown 300. As well a few Vespa P200's. I've always had a soft spot for the likes of Vespa scooters.
A good friend has two modern Vespa 250s, not sure of the model but they are pretty sleek looking things. Not the smokers that rule Mexico. He brings them to the track as paddock/pit bikes. They are fast and handle really well. If I lived someplace where people use golf carts to go the grocery I could absolutely see having one as a local runabout.
Still... a decent small bore motorcycle isn't any more expensive or less capable. I guess it comes down to whether you want to have a manual transmission and something between your knees.
A lot of those scooters have some sort of storage. I really wish I could get that on my bike sometimes without some sort of goofy top case
RossD wrote:
Have you seen what they do to Honda Ruckus?
I bought a new Ruckus a few years ago. It looked cool, but I really didn't like it. It was slow, slow, slow and couldn't cope with the hills. My initial plan was to swap in a big scooter engine, but the bikes geometry doesn't lend itself to that. I wouldn't want to go a whole lot faster with those tiny wheels and that steering angle. It was also a total bitch to start from Day One.

singleslammer wrote:
A lot of those scooters have some sort of storage. I really wish I could get that on my bike sometimes without some sort of goofy top case
As far as motorcycles go, I always thought the old Honda Pacific Coast was an amazing bike for storage.
The Honda maxiscoots (all three you mentioned) are good bikes. It really depends on what you like. If you want a laid back ride, the Helix is the best choice. I think I've heard them described as a rolling barcalounger. Tons of cargo space, too.
The Reflex is more modern, and handles better. I think the intake manifold is a weak point, but they don't cost a lot to replace.
The Silverwing is great if you are going to spend a lot of time on the highway, but don't be surprised if it gets similar mileage as your Harley.
I'm still debating between motorcycle and maxi scooter. I have smaller scooters, and love how practical and fun they are.
Minimac loves his scooters.
2/20/16 6:27 p.m.
He's right. I do. I have a 400 Majesty and a 650 Burgman Executive. The Yamaha is a mid-range maxi-scoot which, if the ergos work for you, does almost everything well. I've toured on it, taking a 2800 mile trip and numerous 600-1k mile trips. Big under seat storage and I added a large size topcase. It's small enough to be easily handled but big enough to run on the interstate. I had it up to 95mph(GPS) and still pulling, but will easily cruise at 80 all day. I've passed it on to Mrs.Mini, now that I have the Burgman. The Burgman 650 is to scooters, what the Goldwing is to motorcycles. I've put about 12k miles on mine in the last six months.It's big, comfortable, quick(relative term)-did I mention comfortable? It has great weather protection, too. The power is smooth and pulls strong. The Majesty averages 58-63 mpg and the Big Burger gets around 53mpg-unless the wrist gets heavy. Both are relatively bulletproof, but can be serviced almost anywhere. Another good one is the 400 Burgman, and although it rides a bit smoother than the Majesty, it feels a lot heavier and doesn't handle as well. The Kymco 500 is good, but dealer support isn't-if needed. The Honda Silverwing (discontinued) is rock solid,too. Need more info? Send me a PM
New Reader
2/22/16 10:20 a.m.
Not much of a scooter person but I rode a Ruckus once and it was actually kind of fun for a scoot. But I like this one personally.

Yea, this is all kinda fun to ruminate.
I sorta want to keep the XL500 at least until the next Michaux ride. I want to do it successfully. Then I think I'll sell or trade it. If I sell it I could use the money for other things should I not buy a scooter.
With the Road King already in the house, I'm not thinking big maxi scooter, more middle maxi scooter or smallish maxi scooter. I've ridden the peewee 50 scooters before, and do not like the handling or being on the road with something that small. Perhaps they've improved with time, but just sitting on them at the dealerships or the bike shows, I can still get the handlebars and front wheel flapping in different directions.
That's why I'm thinking 150-250 cc ish. Able to run down the road and bop into town, or the next town. I'd like interstate capabilities, but it's not necessary and I'd rather not lose the lightness and ease of a smaller scooter for it.
A scooter might also get tossed up into the truck and taken for a ride onto some of the dirt roads in the Pennsylvania parks, or just buzz around in the back field with me or the boy on it.
If I sell the go-carts I've never gotten running, the old Deere riding mower I've never fixed, and perhaps the 4-wheeler I never seem to ride, I could buy an even fancier scooter.
New Reader
2/23/16 2:24 p.m.
If you're looking in the 150-250cc range for a scooter the Honda Big Ruckus might be something to look out for. 250cc, bigger chassis and pretty good from what I remember, although I think they're a little difficult to find.
AT what point does a Grom make sense or a used Ninja 250. Its a much safer platform in traffic at this price point.
wearymicrobe wrote:
AT what point does a Grom make sense or a used Ninja 250. Its a much safer platform in traffic at this price point.
Ever sat upon a Grom? Can't think of a single reason to think it's better than a maxi scooter in traffic under any conditions.
As for the likes of a Ninja 250, it's a total miss on the vehicle for me. My 500 weighs less and is skinnier.
A maxi scooter on the other hand is extremely comfortable, plush, and carries a boat load of stuff. All without buzzing my hands into instant numbness the way a Ninja 250 will.
Gads, I've got to quit surfing Craigslist. Just found two cheap Yamaha Majesty 400's and a nice little Genuine Buddy 170.
I saw a "Little Honda" 50cc with pedals last night
I like my Genuine Buddy, but it's not exactly what I'd call highway capable.
eastsidemav wrote:
I like my Genuine Buddy, but it's not exactly what I'd call highway capable.
Which one do you have? The one I found was a 170. Not a highway bike, I agree. But able to get to speed, from what I've read.
foxtrapper wrote:
eastsidemav wrote:
I like my Genuine Buddy, but it's not exactly what I'd call highway capable.
Which one do you have? The one I found was a 170. Not a highway bike, I agree. But able to get to speed, from what I've read.
Right now, I have a frankenbuddy, a 125 with a 150 engine swap. I haven't top speed tested it yet, but it does have some more acceleration than my old Buddy 125. The 125 would eventually get to 56-57 mph (GPS) on a long straight stretch. I have done some long rides on state highways, but I was very aware of traffic, and made sure to pull off when I could to let traffic by.
The are great for around town, though. Tons of storage under the seat, and extremely maneuverable. My 125 had a rack and top box, which made it very convenient for commuting or running errands. I still need to modify a rack and top box I have laying around, and install them on the frankenbuddy.
I hear the 170i is noticeably faster than the 125 and 150, but I have not had a chance to ride one yet.
I bought a Zuma for a pit bike and for camping.
Got the 49cc, so I could not do stunts on it (keep me out of more trouble)
Probably should have gotten the 125, the 50 will only do 39mph and has no torques....
In reply to bentwrench:
Is it a 2 stroke or one of the new four stroke models? If it's a 2 stroke, it wouldn't take too much to make it faster 
2014 Needs to breath better. Have not looked recently for EFI tweek for pipe change.
2/28/16 6:43 a.m.
I'm not hanging out with you anymore.