1/5/16 1:09 p.m.
17 degrees out this morning and the bar mitts kept my hands... Well, not warm exactly, but it was okay. The biggest problem I had was that right as I was getting on the bike, my phone rang and I made the mistake of answering it. So my hands were ice cold before I even got them in to the mitts.
Several people were at a loss when they came up to me and said "wow, you're crazy for riding a motorcycle in this cold" and my response was just "naw... You're just a wimp". 
In reply to ¯_(ツ)_/¯:
I go the other way. For me ATV bar mitts and heated grips > any gloves I've ever had. My hands are fine in any temp - lowest attempted to this point is ~10F but was not an issue for my hands... my toes made me cry when I tried to warm them afterwards.
1/5/16 4:40 p.m.
I also much prefer heated grips to heated gloves, especially with the big oversized atv mitts or wind blockers like the MSR elephant ears. I found that the harness to the gloves from the jacket breaks after a full season of winter riding and getting carelessly stuffed under my jacket cuff, plus it was a pain to attach and detach every ride. Grips + wind protection keeps me warm to the single digits on 2 wheels, and -30 or so on the sled.
Speaking of toes, Warm and Safe makes heated socks and they are absolute life savers on the road.
21 this morning. Fingers were still super cold on my left hand. Right hand was cold but not nearly as cold as lefty.
The Delaware is just about frozen over and even the main roads have salt piles down the middle and sides of the lane. I didn't see any other riders out today.

In reply to Huckleberry:
You sir posess a special sickness, or really good gear.
This week has been wild. I have encountered while riding a low temp of 28, high of 72, 40 and rain, beautiful sunny spring like conditions and today I ran up to Killeen, it's about 38 with 30-40mph wind gusts. Crazy.
1/18/16 5:50 a.m.
Looks like I'll have to put the Burgman up for about a week. We finally got some real snow. Temps are in the teens, but that alone doesn't stop me. Saturday(01-16), I rode into Syracuse to get some BBQ from the Dinosaur. I was the only Motorcyclist there that rode. Sissies. 
Subdivision melted enough to get out today. 36° and sunny. I couldn't complain.
End of January in Michigan.

In reply to Grtechguy:
That really doesn't look like fun. Uhm, it's like 79 and sunny here today. Too bad I can't get out and ride