So, I have once again begun showing symptoms of that diseases we all have.
Yes, I need to hack things off my perfectly good motorcycle.
First up is a fender eliminator. Easy.
Next, not so easy. Exhausts...
I think I've got it narrowed down to two: The Two Bros M2 slipon, or the Yoshi TRS. Both look pretty good, though abit long. Maybe in a year or so I'll shorten it.
It's down to sound. I want a deep, rumbly VTwin that isn't too loud. I know there's some SV riders on here, so give me your thoughts. What do you have? Do you like it? What have you heard?
I have the Leo Vince SBK highmount.
Look: I love the look of the highmount, good quality piece
Sound: Significantly louder than stock but not too loud, I love the sound. Not necessarily rumbly but it has a very pleasing roar.
Heard: I have only heard stock exhausts or aftermarket puttering around campus so not enough to judge the sound at full song.
11/26/09 10:38 p.m.
Yosh makes good stuff, and I think you'll like the rumble. Have you looked into M4? They make great stuff.
I wasn't too impressed with the quality of the M4 slipons I saw in a local shop.
11/27/09 12:12 p.m.
Really? I haven't seen any of their new ones in person (since they went to the cone tip on some styles), but I've always held their early stuff in high regard.
Anyway, Yosh + Suzuki = Good Times. Not going with the full system? That really wakes the little SV up.
I'm not willing to pay for the full system price AND something like a Power Commander, which the full system pretty much requires, right now.
If I could find a used one, that'd be golden, but nobody wants to sell them, it seems!
I have a D&D system on mine. Obnoxiously, probably illegally, loud. Just the way I like it.
I don't have any pictures, but two of my friends shortened the can on their SVs. One gutted his, the other shortened the internals. Both have a very nice sound, but obviously the gutted one it loud. Not as loud as an open pipe H-D, but almost.
They ground off the weld on the cap/can, then just cut everything down the same amount, stuck it together, and welded it back. Total time is probably 1-2hrs.
milkmandan wrote:
I have a D&D system on mine. Obnoxiously, probably illegally, loud. Just the way I like it.
I was hoping to go with a D&D system, them being right up the road in my adopted homestate. Unfortunately everyone agrees they're loud, and they don't make just a slipon for the 2nd Gen.
I had a Yosh on mine. I bought it that way, but it was very nice and sounded great.